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Genie, The Wild Child is a video of a child who was kept isolated from the outside world for about 13 years. This video shows how she was discovered and how she was able to cope with the new environment presented before her. She was kept inside her room because her father though that she was mentally retarded when she was born.


Brain Growth- Genie never learned how to talk. She was beaten if she made any type of sound. She explored by feel and using her lips to fell objects. Her doctors wanted to check her brain growth; they monitored her brain waves and found out that she had high number of brain spindles. High number of brain spindles refers to abnormal brain wave pattern. Brain spindles are waves of brain activity during sleep. Her difficulty with language production and language comprehension might be due to the abnormal development of Broca’s area and Wernicke’s area.
Bodily growth- She had a strange walk and inhuman characteristics. Her feet and arms were not straight like normal children. She stares into object or people and observe them without saying anything.

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