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Ethics and its effects
Explain the importance of making ethical decisions
Principals of ethical decision-making
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The ethical issues that the Ethics Game Dilemma Part II simulations presented were sexual harassment and false reporting of case studies. In the case of the mysterious roses, the ethical issue was how to address the issue of sexual harassment and maintain confidentiality while approaching Bill fairly while also helping everyone understand the appropriate steps that needed to occur to help solve the problem. Both issues as a manager I had to try and discover the best way to solve both situations while maintaining my integrity, upholding company policy and keeping the trust of my other employees. In the first simulation, an employee named Gayle requested a confidential meeting to discuss an issue, there was not any mention of sexual harassment, however, an action needed to taken to ensure she felt protected and safe. In the second simulation, there was an issue with an employee who was publishing false and inaccurate results from research that did not turn out as well as the company had hoped. There were steps that needed to be taken to address the issues to ensure that the ethical decision made to solved the problems at hand. The decision making steps used to solve the problems were as follows; finding out which stakeholders were going to be the most affected by the situation and then making a decision that would be ethical and would benefit all involved. Another step that used was going through the options that would make each stakeholder in the company the most happy. The lenses used in the first situation are the Rights and Responsibilities lens and the Results lens. The decision-making steps used in this dilemma were: Be attentive. The issue in this dilemma was how to answer the employee's request for confidentiality in the... ... middle of paper ... ...through this one much faster and felt more comfortable making the decisions that I did. In the first scenario, I was not harsh enough and in the end made the wrong decision, on the second scenario I was too harsh but ended making the right decision. In my workplace, one of the requirements is to turn in a report because I am in a sales department. It is very easy to alter the numbers, when people get jealous of someone hitting their revenue goal in sales, other employees lie and say that the person cheated. Of course, it gets investigated, and reputations are at stake when this happens. One thing that I got out of this assignment is that there are steps that one must follow to make an ethical decision. This assignment put into perspective for me all of the people who could be affected in an ethical dilemma. It also gave me insight into the pressures of management.
Ethical decision-making is the responsibility of everyone, regardless of position or level within an organization. Interestingly, the importance of stressing employee awareness, improving decisions, and coming to an ethical resolution are the greatest benefits to most companies in today’s world (Weber, 2015).
In order to address the above components, five decision making steps have to be put in place, these are; being attentive, being intelligent, being reasonable, being responsible, and being reflective. The first step, being attentive, involves evaluating the whole situation and coming up with the data and information about the problem at hand. In so doing the following questions are viewed; what facts to bear in mind, what direction to take so as to get the expected solution, and what is the main issue to work on. In the second step, being intelligent, the information is clearly studied to determine whether the collected data is revealing the correct details concerning the problem. Determine the stakeholde...
n this reflective journal entry, we are going to look at that the ethical issues that were presented in the Ethics Game simulations, the decision-making steps that were completed to address ethically the issues, and the ethical lenses that I used to make decisions throughout the simulation. We are also going to take a look at how these different ethical lenses influenced my decision and the how I could use the concepts that I have learned in my workplace.
The six steps of the model are as follows: Identify the ethical dilemma, collect information, state the options, apply ethical principles to those options, make the decision, and implement the decision (Beemsterboer, 2010). The first step is to identify the ethical dilemma, which Beemsterboer describes as the most critical step in the model. To identify the ethical dilemma, one must recognize that the problem is an ethical dilemma with no one clear answer, and expound upon what the ethical question is. The next step is to collect information about the situation and values involved “as a basis for an informed decision.” (Beemsterboer, 2010, para. 8). After defining the ethical dilemma and gathering information about it, one must then state as many options as possible which may resolve the problem (Beemsterboer, 2010). Due to that fact that more than one decision may remedy an ethical dilemma, it is important to discuss all available options to better understand all angles of the situation and how to deal with as many of them as possible. Once all alternatives have been stated, each must be weighed against ethical principles. Beemsterboer suggests in the discussion of each option a list of pros and cons be made to demonstrate how the option may protect of violate ethical principles and values (2010).?? After analyzing each alternative it is much easier
Ethical issues in business arise because of conflicts between an individuals personal moral philosophies and values and values or attitudes of organization in which a person works and a society in which one lives. Ethical issues can be identified in terms of the major participants and functions of business. Ethical issues related to ownership include conflicts between manager’s duties to the owners and their own interests, also separation of ownership and control of business. Financial issue includes, for example, the accuracy of reported financial documents. Ethical issues can acquire between manages and employees, then employees are asked to carry out assignments they consider unethical. Consumers and marketing issues are related to providing safe desired products for a fear price and not harming people and an environment. Accountants also face ethical dilemma, they have to deal with competition advertising commission. All of this places the accounting profession in situation of ethical risk.
Making good ethical decisions requires a trained sensitivity to ethical issues and a practiced method for exploring the ethical aspects of a decision and weighing the considerations that should impact our choice of a course of action. Having a method for ethical decision making is absolutely essential. When practiced regularly, the method becomes so familiar that we work through it automatically without consulting the specific steps.
Garsten, C., & Hernes, T. (2009). Ethical Dilemmas in Management. New York: Taylor & Francis Group.
The following five-step model can help employees make appropriate decisions when faced with an ethical dilemma. The first step is to recognize the issue. Knowing what is the root cause and the main issue can help determine what ethical issue is at hand. The next step is to get the facts of the situation. Eliminating bias opinions and knowing the information source can increase the chances of making a good decision.
As a function, ethics is a philosophical study of the moral value of human conduct, and of the rules and principles it should govern. As a system, ethics are a social, religious, or civil code of behavior considered correct by a particular group, profession, or individual. As an instrument, ethics provide perspective regarding the moral fitness of a decision, course of action, or potential outcomes. Ethical decision-making can include many types, including deontological (duty), consequentialism (including utilitarianism), and virtue ethics. Additionally, subsets of relativism, objectivism, and pluralism seek to understand the impact of moral diversity on a human level. Although distinct differences separate these ethical systems, organizations
When faced with the issue of alleviating poverty or saving nature, many would agree with the following statement: as a society we ought to use available resources and funds to help the poor. In his article “Feeding people versus Saving Nature” Rolston opposes this position and asserts his view that there are times when we ought to choose to save nature instead of feeding the poor. I will argue in favor of Rolston’s argument and against those such as Singer, who strongly opposes the notion that preserving nature and allowing people to unnecessarily die is morally wrong. In reality there are many ways in which we can address the issue of global poverty without resorting to destroying natural ecosystems that we are dependent on.
Claim: Many organizations do not value the importance of ethics in their execution of duties. These organizations always find themselves struggling to operate in a much profitable manner. In most cases, organizations that do not value ethics argue that ethics are not important for success. Thus, they pay more attention on chasing profits instead of being ethical. In other words, these organizations do not believe that success is based on ethics. However, the successes of every business project must be based on ethics. Therefore, project managers should take the full responsibility of ethics in order to establish a smooth course on which the project will take.
Unfortunately, one cannot live without ethics. However, one can and must live with the consequences of the choices that are made based on one’s moral principles. Ultimately, ethics are a set of rules and standards that define and guide a person’s decision making process in his or her personal or professional life (Business Dictionary, 2016). Ethics is what allows an individual to know and distinguish right from wrong. Although, one’s ethics are of great significance, one must also consider that when dealing with ethical behavior, the outcome of any possible decision making process should and must be carefully taken into account. Especially to avoid affecting other people in a negative manner. For this reason, each ethical dilemma or situation must be handle cautiously and
Ethics is a system of moral principles and a branch of philosophy which defines what is acceptable for both individuals and society. It is a philosophy that covers a whole range of things that have an importance in everyday situations. Ethics are vital in everyones lives, it includes human values, and how to have a good life, our rights and responsibilities, moral decisions what is right and wrong, good and bad. Moral principles affect how people make decisions and lead their lives (BBC, 2013). There are many different beliefs about were ethics come from. These consist of; God and Religion, human conscience, the example of good human beings and a huge desire for the best for people in each unique situation, and political power (BBC, 2013).
Ethical belief is based on morals. So how a person determines their ethics is dependent upon what they were taught as children. As a child I was taught many moral principles that I still value and follow today. It is important however to note that not everyone moral beliefs are the same. As a child I was taught to give respect, to always be honest, and to be accountable for my actions. These are morals that my mom instilled in me and that I still honor to this day. These are also some of the same ethics I impart in my kids today. I feel if we as parents teach our kids the importance of having good morals then it will have a great impact on their success as an adult.
Social responsibility begins centuries ago when people realized that living in a community and that is why their decisions affect others. We have considered a pluralistic society is one that accepts, recognizes and tolerates the existence of different positions or thoughts and that is why we must always look for a common welfare laws governing society to find a balance that benefits all its members.