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The ethical issues that the Ethics Game Dilemma Part II simulations presented were sexual harassment and false reporting of case studies. In the case of the mysterious roses, the ethical issue was how to address the issue of sexual harassment and maintain confidentiality while approaching Bill fairly while also helping everyone understand the appropriate steps that needed to occur to help solve the problem. Both issues as a manager I had to try and discover the best way to solve both situations while maintaining my integrity, upholding company policy and keeping the trust of my other employees. In the first simulation, an employee named Gayle requested a confidential meeting to discuss an issue, there was not any mention of sexual harassment, however, an action needed to taken to ensure she felt protected and safe. In the second simulation, there was an issue with an employee who was publishing false and inaccurate results from research that did not turn out as well as the company had hoped. There were steps that needed to be taken to address the issues to ensure that the ethical decision made to solved the problems at hand. The decision making steps used to solve the problems were as follows; finding out which stakeholders were going to be the most affected by the situation and then making a decision that would be ethical and would benefit all involved. Another step that used was going through the options that would make each stakeholder in the company the most happy. The lenses used in the first situation are the Rights and Responsibilities lens and the Results lens. The decision-making steps used in this dilemma were: Be attentive. The issue in this dilemma was how to answer the employee's request for confidentiality in the... ... middle of paper ... ...through this one much faster and felt more comfortable making the decisions that I did. In the first scenario, I was not harsh enough and in the end made the wrong decision, on the second scenario I was too harsh but ended making the right decision. In my workplace, one of the requirements is to turn in a report because I am in a sales department. It is very easy to alter the numbers, when people get jealous of someone hitting their revenue goal in sales, other employees lie and say that the person cheated. Of course, it gets investigated, and reputations are at stake when this happens. One thing that I got out of this assignment is that there are steps that one must follow to make an ethical decision. This assignment put into perspective for me all of the people who could be affected in an ethical dilemma. It also gave me insight into the pressures of management.

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