Din ve bilim arasındaki ilişki Antik Yunan zamanından beri tartışılan bir konudur. Son yıllarda bu konu hakkında filozoflar, düşünürler, ilahiyat profesörleri ve bilim adamları birçok görüş ileri sunmuştur fakat bu görüşler genellikle bu olaya tek bir açıdan bakmaktadır. Bunun sorunun kaynağı çalışmaları yapan insanların olaya sadece kendi çerçevelerinden bakmasıdır, örneğin bir bilim adamı kendi görüşünü kanıtlamaya çalışırken sadece somut kanıtlara bakarken, bir din bilimci daha çok ruhani ve felsefi yönden bakmaktadır eldeki konuya. Din ve bilimin aslında asıl amacı aynıdır ve bu amaç insanoğluna evrenle ilgili bilgi vermek ve bu konudaki bilgi açlıklarını gidermektir fakat bu yolda din ve bilim tamamen farklı yöntemler kullanır. Din daha çok inanç gücünden faydalanırken, bilim ise daha çok mantık ve somut kanıtları kullanır. Fakat din aslında bilimin gelişmesinde büyük bir rol oynamıştır, karanlık çağlarda ki Katolik din adamlarının dini kısıtlamasına karşın, bilimsel devrimden(1543) önce yapılan bilimsel çalışmaların büyük bir çoğunluğu İslam dinine mensup olan bilginler tarafından tetiklenmiştir. Sonra Rönesans çağı başlamıştır ve Katolik kilisesinin skolâstik düşüncesi altından çıkan halk bilime daha sıkı sarılmış ve Hıristiyan âlemi de bilimi benimsemiştir. Aynı zamanda Hinduizm ve Budizm gibi dinlerde dinleri içinde mantık, deneyselliği ve kanıt aramayı benimseyip tam olmasa da insanlığa evrenle ilgili ışık tuttuklarını söylemişlerdir. Bilim ile en çok zıtlaşan din Hıristiyanlıktır. Bunun ana nedeni Hıristiyanların ekstremist kesiminden kaynaklanmaktadır. Hıristiyanların bu kesimi tekvin(yaradılış) kitabına inanır ve bilimsel unsurları tamamen bir kenara koyarlar. Yaradılışı savunan Hıristiyanlar dünyanın 7000 yaşında... ... middle of paper ... ...ibi sözleriyle de bilimin İslam içindeki önemin, göstermiştir. Modern bilimsel yöntemlerin çoğu Müslüman bilim adamları tarafından bulunmuştur. Bunun nedeni karanlık çağda Hıristiyanlar dini bir kenara iterken Müslüman bilim adamlarının dine daha da yönelmesi ve tarih, matematik ve astronomi alanlarında çok fazla çalışmaya imza atmalarıdır. Fakat Rönesans’ın ortaya çıkışıyla Avrupa’ da bilim yeniden gelişmeye başlamıştır ve bunun üzerine Avrupalı bilim adamları kendilerine özgü bir filozofiyle bilime yaklaşmaya ve dinden ayırmaya başlamışlardır. Müslüman bilim adamları bu görüşlerin çoğunu benimsememişlerdir ve karşı çıkmışlardır. Çünkü İslam’ da din ve bilim birlik içinde Allah’ a ışık tutma yolunda çalışmaktadır. Bu da Müslüman bilim adamlarını dinden uzaklaştırmıştır fakat genel olarak bakıldığında İslam dini bilimi kabul etmekle kalmaz aynı zaman da teşvik eder.
Jhene Aiko Efuru Chilombo was born on the 16th March 1988 in Los Angeles, California USA. Her blood is mixed with various nations, having Spanish, American, African and Japanese descent. Her name is represented in the music industry. Her first endeavors were with the R&B group ?B2K?; however, recently she has embarked on a solo career as a singer and songwriter. Her first album titled ?Sailing Soul(s)? was released in 2011, and upon its release had a major critical success.
14?Narli, Nilufer. ?The Rise of the Islamist Movement in Turkey.? Middle East Review of International
BAYKAL, Nurulhude. "MURATHAN MUNGAN'in "ZAMANIMIZIN BİR KÜLKEDİSİ"Nİ MARKSİST KURAM ÇERÇEVESİNDE OKUMAK. (Turkish)." Milli Folklor 24.96 (2012): 137-147. Academic Search Premier. Web. 11 Nov. 2013.
Yugoslavia was fabricated in the year of 1918. Located near the country of Italy, the territory is now broken up into six independent countries. The nation started to fall apart in the late 1980 's, following the World War II victory for the Allies. While some countries can benefit from diversity, there was just too much for Yugoslavia to survive. Yugoslavia as a nation failed because of too much autonomy between the six nations that came to be, too many different cultures in one nation, and simply a subjugation of overflowing diversity.
...all, W. The Sources of Islam. Edinburgh, Scotland: T & T Clark Sivan, Emmanuel. Radical Islam: Medieval Theology and Modern Politics. Enlarged Edition. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 2001 Spencer, H. Islam and the Gospel of God: A Comparison of the Central Doctrines of Christianity and Islam, Prepared for the Use of Christian Workers Among Muslims. Delhi, India: S.P.C.K., 1998 Stott, John R. & Coote, Robert, editors. Down to Earth: Studies in Christianity and Culture. Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, 2000 Sweetman, J. Windrow. Islam and Christian Theology. Part II Volume II. London: Lutterworth Press, 1999 Vander Werff, Lyle L. Christian Missions to Muslims. S. Pasadena, CA: William Carey Library, 2002 Zwemer, Samuel M. Heirs of the Prophets: An Account of the Clergy and Priests of Islam, the Personnel of the Mosque and 'Holy Men'. Chicago: Moody Press, 2002
Islam, a religion of people submitting to one God, seeking peace and a way of life without sin, is always misunderstood throughout the world. What some consider act of bigotry, others believe it to be the lack of education and wrong portrayal of events in media; however, one cannot not justify the so little knowledge that America and Americans have about Islam and Muslims. Historically there are have been myths, many attacks on Islam and much confusion between Islam as a religion and Middle Easter culture that is always associated with it. This paper is meant to dispel, or rather educate about the big issues that plague people’s minds with false ideas and this will only be touching the surface.
Robinson B.A. 1 Mar 2000 (last update), Islam, Hp. Online. Ontario Consultants on Religious Tolerance. Available:
The lack of knowledge about Muslims by non-Muslims has caused a dangerous and growing unease between the two groups. Therefore, it is important to research care...
Syed, Zara. "Buloogh: A Muslim Girl's Transition to Adulthood." Islamic Insights. N.p., 26 Jan. 2009. Web. 06 Dec. 2013. .
In Nuri Bilge Ceylan's Once Upon a Time in Anatolia, a team composed of a commissioner (YILMAZ ERDOGAN), a doctor (MUHAMMET UZUNER), a prosecutor (TANER BIRSEL) and a several others search the Anatolian steppes for the body of a murder victim. Due to the homogenous landscape, night and them being intoxicated at the time of burial, Suspects Kenan (FIRAT TANIS) and his mentally-challenged brother are unable to give the exact location of the corpse. In their downtime, the team discusses various subjects such as yoghurt, prostate health, their jobs and their family. As the night darkens, as do the men's conversations regarding sin, guilt and death. In the morning, the film solidifies it's grim themes, with one specific one being that children
Bosnia and Herzegovina has been called the most complicated country in the world and rightfully so. Over the years, it has been the center of conflict for many different wars of several different nations, which have left the country scarred and bitter. To understand the complex country of Bosnia fully, one must study its basic history, culture, and government.
Tangible can be defined as physically touching a substance, whilst, intangible has no physical presence. Slobodan Dan Paich expresses “both the cultural similarities and diversity of sources in Mediterranean history” (Dan Paich, 2010) as well as connecting the minds of people from Brazil to those in North America. He does this by speaking of French anthropologist Claude Levi – Strauss. The paper as well looks at the methodology of Art History through Aby Warburg, Fritz Saxl, and Erwin Panofsky. Claude Levi – Strauss “challenges the view of the centrality of western civilization through systematic observation and contact with indigenous people of Brazil and North America (Tropiques, 1955). He compares both the indigenous mind with the ‘Sapiens
Although Islam is probably the least understood religion, Islam is the second largest religion in the world with more than one billion followers, which is one-fifth of the world’s population today. Islam was first stated publicly in the seventh century and now has advanced into a variety of different forms ( Major Religions). The central theme of this paper revolves around the religion of Islam and how it is practice in two Latin American countries, Peru and Panama.
The reason that I think Dusit Thani Group is interesting to me is because one of the Thai chain hotel that successful in Thailand and aboard. My family also working in hotel industry, we have one small hotel in Phuket. From the point that Dusit Thani Group is Thai brand and start from the small business too. I am interesting that I might study about Dusit Thani Group, and can adapt with my family business.
Turkish is one of the youngest and rapidly developing languages; furthermore approximately 80 million people speak Turkish as a mother language in the world. 1928 was a very crucial year for the development of the Modern Turkish language because Latin alphabet adopted instead of Arabic script and after this transition numerous events sequentially shape the Turkish language. On the other hand, the use of contemporary the Turkish language triggers some concerns. Although the Turkish language has been searching ways out for sophisticated dilemmas since 1920’s, it confronts historical, political, cultural issues and risk of losing originality, degeneration of quality and misuse in the media; as a result of this process the Turkish language is headed in the wrong direction.