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Much of the modern world would be drastically different without the influence of Britain throughout history. If history were to be rewritten employing Great Britain as anything but great, think of the impact this would have on modern life in the twenty first century; English would most likely not be the most common language, the industrial revolution would have been postponed for possibly centuries and nearly every aspect of history would have been different. How does a country become so successful to the point where without it, the world would be changed forever? This influence would not have been possible if Britain had not been as successful as it was. Although many variables were in play in contributing to this success, none were more influential and important than the fact that Britain was able to use its island status to prosper in naval battle, exploration, and invention.
Britain special geographic location made it necessary for her to adapt to life differently because of the constant presence of naval threats. They have had to learn to use the surrounding water to their advantage and be prepared for imminent threats. The key to the English victory over the Spanish Armada was the superior handling qualities of their ships. (Tincey, 11) The English navy was much more familiar with the patterns of the ocean and how to work with the different conditions. The oceans unpredictable weather acted as a shield from the Spanish Armada, destroying a large portion of the fleet, out of the 160 that started the attack only sixty-five of the shipped that returned could be repaired. (Tincey, 24) The English were masters of the art of sailing in the difficult seas which surrounded the nation giving them a decisive advantage in ship design ...

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...r that separated the two masses of land also succeeded in separating the European influence on Britain, it was able to develop independently from the rest of the continent.
Professor of History Jeremy Black from Exeter University says, "Naval power and imperial possessions enabled Britain to dominate trans-oceanic trade and to profit accordingly." (“Why the Industrial Revolution Happened in Britain”) This quote ultimately sums up the truth of Britain’s success; the need for security of this island nation started a chain reaction that began with its naval power. The Industrial Revolution would not have been possible in Britain without the success of its foreign trade, which would not be possible without the success of the British navy thus coming back to the fact that Britain is an island. The geography of the island was the most contributing factor to its success.

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