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As bullying affects the children’s wellbeing, safety and healthy development as mentioned above, children’s rights according to UNCRC (A summary of the rights under the Convention on the Rights of the Child, n.d.) mentioned the importance of feeling safe, protected (Articles 2 and 4) and healthy developed (Article 6). Therefore, as educators, it is necessary to know about different government policies and legislation that work collaboratively with our education department, so we can help in protecting our children in practice.

The Antidiscrimination board of NSW makes many types of discrimination against the law (The Antidiscrimination board of NSW, 2012). In addition to relevant commonwealth legalisation related to bullying, harassment and violence include, disability discrimination act 1992, human rights and equal opportunity commission act 1986, and racial discrimination act 1975 (Legislation and Policies, 2014).

“Since 2005, all Department for Education and Child Development (DECD) schools have been required to have an anti-bullying policy or have included a section on anti-bullying within their Student Behaviour Management Policy or Student Code of Conduct. An anti-bullying and harassment policy enables schools to state clearly that bullying is taken seriously, consequences will be applied and prevention and intervention strategies will be implemented.” (Anti-Bulling Policy, n.d.).
Schools’ plans are based on the co-operation between principles, staffs and students to develop protection, prevention, early intervention and response strategies for student bullying (Bullying: Preventing and Responding to Student Bullying in Schools Policy, 2011). Principles should empower the whole school to respond effectively to bullyin...

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...ts can describe the impact of bullying in open discussions, as they show empathy for the points of view and feelings of their peers and others (Treyvaud, 2013)
Besides, the chance of using the anti-bulling week on March to implement different activities like, everyday assembly, or Wrap a band of blue fabric round your building or a prominent part of it, to show your commitment to how to stop bullying (Idea from Make Poverty History campaign, cited in Anti-bulling alliance, 2005). I propose that each month schools may devote a day to bully awareness and to report on the progress they’ve made to stop bullying.

To sum up, bullying can be found in every school and in every country. However, it is clear that schools have a duty of care to recognise the extent and impact of bullying and to take steps to ensure that each member of its community feels safe and secure.

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