“One in every ten women in the United States will develop breast cancer sometime during her life”. (Breast Care). More than six percent of these cases are linked to hereditary. There are many measures that can be taken to detect breast cancer early in its stages. Women who believe they have a higher risk should have the breast cancer gene testing.
In order for a woman to consider her case of breast cancer to be hereditary, she must contain either the BRCA1 or BRCA2 gene mutation in her genetic make up. Hundreds of mutations have been found in both genes and almost all of the mutations identified are primitive mutations found in only a single family. Most of the mutations result in a miss-formed protein product; thus the nature of these mutations is easily interpreted. Two successive acquired mutations occurring in a single cell are necessary for the development of cancer. Mutations anywhere along either gene are associated with an increased risk for breast cancer. (Transmed Network-Breast Cancer-Characteristics of Hereditary Breast Cancer, 1997).
More than six hundred different mutations have been identified on the BRCA1 gene. (Gene Clinics, 2000). The number of mutations found on the BRCA1 gene is different than those found on the BRCA 2 gene. The prevalence of cancer predisposing BRCA1 mutations in the general population is estimated to be between one out of five hundred and one out of a thousand cases. BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutations indicate that elevated breast cancer risks begin in the late twenties and early thirties. Doctors normally recommend that women began yearly mammograms at the age of fifty. If the gene can be detected as early as the age of twenty, women should take advantage of the extra precaution and have the test done in addition to the mammograms to prevent late diagnosis of cancer. (Gene Clinics, 2000).
Virtually all individuals with a cancer predisposing mutation in BRCA1 and BRCA2 have inherited it from a parent. (Gene Clinics, 2000). The parent may or may not have had a cancer diagnosis depending upon the penetrance of the mutation, the gender of the parent, the age of the parent with mutation and other variables. It is appropriate to offer mutation analysis to both parents of an individual with a BRCA1 or BRCA2 cancer predisposing mutation. (Gene ...
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...nbsp; Genetic mutation testing has become another easy way for women to detect breast cancer early. A woman will never truly know if she will definitely develop breast cancer. Test such as genetic mutation testing will definitely help in early detection and prevention against spreading.
Works Cited
Gene Clinics. (March 4, 2000). BRCA1 and BRCA2 Hereditary Breast/Ovarian Cancer. Retrieved November 19, 2000 from the World Wide Web: Http://www.geneclinics.org/profiles/brca1/
National Action Plan on Breast Cancer. (September 5, 1996). State of the Science on Hereditary Breast Cancer and Genetic Testing. Retrieved November 19, 2000 from the World Wide Web: http://www.napbc.org/napbc/state.htm
Transmed Network. (1997). Breast Cancer-Characteristics of Hereditary Breast Cancer. Retrieved November 19, 2000 from the World Wide Web: http://www.breastdiseases.com/genebr3.htm
Transmed Network. (1997). Breast Cancer-Genetic Epidemiology. Retrieved November 19, 2000 from the World Wide Web: http://www.breastdiseases.com/genebr2.htm
Transmed Network. (1997). Hereditary Breast Cancer. Retrieved November 19, 2000 from the World Wide Web: http://www.breastdiseases.com/genebr1.htm
Women who inherit a mutation in one copy of BRCA1 or BRCA2 are at high risk of developing breast and ovarian cancers6. This could be due to the disruption in the pathway of BRCA proteins in the cell nucleus. If BRCA1 is defective, it loses its ability to fix damaged DNA and causes tumor. It is because once the defective BRCA1 raises, it allows the cells to develop and divide uncontrollably. Since defective in BRCA1 causes cancers, it is important to understanding the function of the protein by analyzing its sequence and structure.
LG stated that her family stays well educated regarding their health and family history and if they have any questions about the genetic problems in the family, they will typically research the internet and follow up with their general practitioner. LG, her siblings, and their mother are in good health and are not dealing with major medical matters at this time. Interventions for this family should be tailored to help them keep up on current information about heart disease, diabetes, and cancer, which are the main medical issues in their family medical history, and having a plan that ensures they continue getting regular health checkups. In conclusion, it is important for nurses to have proper training and information in the area of genetics and genomics so that it can be used in daily clinical practice (Thompson & Brooks, 2011). Using this information with clients and conducting a detailed genetic nursing assessment is a valuable component of being an effective health care provider and can help clients recognize, prevent, and/or treat diseases that are unique to their particular family.
By using identified gene mutations that are known to cause diseases, asymptomatic individuals are able to discover if they are at risk for specific genetic conditions; this is known as genetic testing. Unfortunately, genetic testing can vary in its predictive ability. For example, Huntington disease, Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy, Fragile X syndrome and multiple endocrine neoplasia type 2 are conditions that can be determined by genetic testing (Samen, 1996). In contrast, for multifaceted diseases like Alzheimer’s, breast and ovarian cancer and colorectal cancer, predisposition can be determined with genetic testing. However, an absolute diagnosis of those diseases cannot be made (Heshka et al., 2008).
A mutation in the BRCA1 or BRCA2 gene is associated with an increased risk of ovarian cancer
There are numerous risk factors for breast cancer. Genetics or family history of breast cancer in a one first-degree relative with breast cancer doubles a woman’s risk. Having two first degree relatives rises a woman’s risk by three times. A person’s personal history who have had one breast with cancer is three to four times as likely of developing a new cancer. White women are slightly more likely to develop breast cancer than are African-American women, but African-American women are more likely to die from this cancer. However in women under 45 years of age, breast cancer is more common in African-American women.
Fray Luis Cancer was a Dominican that was born in the 1500s in Barbastro, now modern day Spain. . Luis Cancer was a priest and was best known for his expeditions as a Spanish missionary around the New World. He first lived in the convent of Santo Domingo located in Mexico. Early in his life he was influenced by ruling by terror and force. He had heard of Vaca and Moscoso’s voyages (two ministers before Luis Cancer), and the horror and violence they had used terrified him. Because of this, his main goal as a missionary was to convert Indians to Christianity by kindness and being a good example, rather than with force or violence. Fray Luis Cancer first preached and ministered in Puerto Rico to the Taino Indians, which was a success. He believed
Peterson, G. M. Lessons from familial cancers. Mid-Atlantic Cancer Genetics Network Newsletter. Fall 1999. http://www.macgn.org/nl13e.html.
cancer.org. (2014, 03 15). Genetics and Cancer. Retrieved from Genetics and Cancer | American Cancer Society: http://www.cancer.org/cancer/cancercauses/geneticsandcancer/index
The American Cancer Society is a volunteer-based organization that is present across the United States. Its main purpose is to raise money and awareness about the severity and prevalence of cancer. Cancer education and research is where most of the focus and monetary donations are used for. The American Cancer Society strives to fulfill their goal of “less cancer and more birthdays” across all generations and populations (ACS Inc., 2011).
Ways to early detect would be self-breast exams at home, annual mammograms and genetic testing for the BCRA1 and the BCRA2 abnormal gene. It has been said that when people are tested for the abnormal gene and are found to carry it, it is normally passed from either parent. Not only do women develop breast cancer, but men are also at risk. If detection is caught early enough there can be a high survival rate. Some symptoms and signs are a lump, change in size or shape of breast, nipple pain, discharge or bleeding of the nipple, change of skin color and texture, or breast becoming swollen or feels warm. It is advised to seek medical attention upon discovery of signs and symptoms. It can possibly allow a better treatment option for
First, let's consider the situations in which genetic testing would be beneficial to patients. Genetic testing for diseases that are preventable or treatable could allow individuals to alter their lifestyles so as to treat the disease or reduce their risk of developing the disease. For instance, the E2 version of the APOE gene, which is found on chromosome 19, has been linked to heart disease (Ridley, 1999). Individuals who have two copies of the E2 gene are particularly sensitive to high-fat and high-cholesterol diets. Therefore, a genetic test to determine whether a person has the high-risk version of the APOE gene could inform a person of future health risks, thereby allowing the person to change his diet to help prev...
Parents now have the possibility of testing genes for mutations and genetic problems (BBC News).
The "Genetic Screening" Genetic Screening. NDSU,. Web. The Web. The Web.
The East Pennsboro elementary school raised money for a statue at a local park. The statue was a ring of children that were holding hands. There was one child missing; the link was broken. The statue was dedicated to East Pennsboro students that did not make it to their graduation. My sophomore year of high school inspired this piece of artwork.
After analyzing a 2007 study investigating BRCA it concludes that BRCA1 is more dangerous because more people have died and have been diagnosed from it. The BCRA1 mutation can lead to getting in your genetics by mutagens that interact