Golden Rule Essay

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Luke has been placed on a project to build an adult entertainment store on a piece of land that is located near his brother’s (Owen) home. It is certain that once the plans for the adult establishment are made public, property values in Owen’s neighborhood will “decrease significantly”. Luke is also aware of the fact that Owen is considering to sell his house. The house can be sold now for an “okay” price, however Owen thinks he may be able to get a better offer once the real estate market recovers.
Luke is faced with a conflict of loyalties between his brother and his employer. He certainly feels some moral obligation to his employer. Furthermore, Luke is likely to have signed a non-disclosure agreement at work, which means he …show more content…

In this scenario, Luke must consider two opposing parties. If he treats Owen according to the Golden Rule, then he is neglecting to do so when it comes to his employer, and vice versa. This is in fact one of the major criticisms of this rule; It will likely not resolve the issue if there is more than one side to consider.
For Luke to be able to apply the Golden Rule he must essentially neglect either his employer or Owen. Considering Luke’s strong relationship with Owen, it may be difficult for Luke to neglect him. On top of this, when considering the employers point of view, there is no measurable negative effect felt due to Luke’s sharing of insider information. The adult store will be built without interruption regardless of Luke’s actions.
Based solely on the Golden Rule, it would be difficult to justify one course of action. That is why one must consider what Luke values more. Is it the obligation to his employer, or his brother? More reason to look into Luke’s character is the fact that the Golden Rule is only effective when the decision maker is highly ethical.
Virtue …show more content…

On one end of the spectrum, is the choice to uphold his professional ethics, and on the other end are his personal ethics.

A major drawback of this approach is that even individuals with high moral integrity can make mistakes. Not only is the decision maker subject to human error, but they can also be influenced by their environment. In this case Luke’s strong relationship with his brother will be the deciding factor. However, If Luke prides himself on being an honest and trustworthy employee then he could decide not to divulge any information whatsoever. What is more likely is that Luke will prefer to remain honest and trustworthy to his brother, and therefore his actions will follow suit.

This scenario makes it evident that ethical dilemmas involving family members are always special circumstances. Moral and ethical lines are blurred, because most people’s moral code tell them that family comes first. People are often willing to take minor risks if it means they can help a loved

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