Zombie Apocalypse: Popular In Pop Culture

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The concept of a zombie apocalypse has been popular in pop culture for a few decades now. The zombie apocalypse does however bring up a lot of ethical and social hierarchy issues on what is most important to survive in the event of an apocalypse. The three most important issues to consider in the event of a zombie apocalypse are individualism or communitarianism, when is a person considered dead, and how to fight back the advance of the zombies.
Individualism or communitarianism the two complete opposites on the political compass. Individualism the hands off approach in which the government allows the individual to do as they see as the best for themselves. Promoting self-reliance–individual hard work, ingenuity, and entrepreneurship. Communitarianism is the thought process that 2 minds are better than one in which people come together and cooperate to make a better society. Promoting the ideals to put the needs of the society above their own individual desires. These two are explored greatly in document A but the better ideology for survivng in a zombie apocalypse is Communitarianism. Document A …show more content…

However if zombies are only partly brain dead then is it still wrong to end there life without regard. If a person were able to restrain them to the point that they are no longer a threat to your life thus removing any notion of self defense is it still right to kill them. In document B it discusses other ways to use zombies after they are tamed and or restrained using them as manually labor. Then their is the issue of if a person should kill the zombie out of respect of what the human represented. Answering this question is fundamentally important for surviving in the event of a zombie apocalypse. Once the person is fully changed to the point of the virus can developed the person should just be put down out of respect and to eliminate any chance of it spreading

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