Zodiac: The Film Analysis Of Robert Graysmith's Shootings

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In Robert Graysmith’s books, which the 2007 movie, “Zodiac” was based off of, Arthur Leigh Allen was portrayed as the main suspect.(Fagan, 2014) He was questioned in 1969 and again in 1971 after one of his friends said he talked about killing people and securing a flashlight to a gun like the Zodiac had. Allen also owned the same caliber gun used in one of the zodiac shootings, told the police that the bloody knives in his car were used for killing chickens and a coincidentally owned a zodiac brand watch. Allen was less than honorably discharged from the navy and was fired from his school teaching job for allegations of sexual misconduct. The police ended up investigating Allen again in 1991 after an informant said that Allen had boasted to him about killing a cab driver. …show more content…

Now according to the movie in 2007, Darlene Ferrin’s sister Linda identified a photo of Allen as the man she said had stalked her sister, but this actually never even happened. The movie also said that the police were closing in on Allen when he died, but in reality he was ruled out as a suspect for a number of reasons. His fingerprints didn’t match the ones found in the cab, he didn’t match witness descriptions, his palm print didn’t match the one found on a Zodiac letter, there was DNA evidence from the Zodiac that didn’t match Allen’s, there was no incriminating evidence found at his home and the police collected handwriting samples from both his right and left hands and neither of them matched the Zodiac’s.(Corbin, 2017) So despite the fact that people believed that Allen may have done it because of the things that he has done in the past, none of the facts add up to Allen being the Zodiac.(Beck, 2017)

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