Zodiac Sign Analysis

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This was a very interesting experience because I learned a lot about Zodiac signs and reading horoscopes, plus they are just plain fun. My sign’s description of me matched me very well. The strengths and weaknesses were very accurate, as well as the likes and dislikes. Though I share attributes of both signs, my so called old sign, Cancer is the sign that fits me better. I have the same strengths, like being tenacious, loyal, sympathetic, and persuasive. Unfortunately, I also have the same weaknesses, like being very pessimistic, suspicious, and insecure. I tend to be a negative person and I am never sure of myself. Cancers are supposed like art, relaxing near/in water, and helping/spending time with loved ones. This is true for me, I like …show more content…

I am a Cancer, so I got attached to it and they said I could stay there. However, I do share some attributes of Gemini, such as being curious and liking music and books. I can also get very nervous and very indecisive, and do not like to be alone or confined. Nevertheless, Cancer is still my sign, and my horoscope did reflect what happened today in some sense. Gemini’s horoscope did not match my day at all. My horoscope said I will be firing on all cylinders and I will be able to learn new and difficult things quickly. This was very true, with starting a new marking period, we have been starting new lesson. Today, the lessons were not overly difficult, especially in math, we had a break through on our project. Then in chemistry and government we started new lessons that were based on previous lessons that we could refer to. My horoscope also said should start a new hobby or start a new novel. I started reading The Catcher in the Rye for English and, surprisingly, have had more time to spend practicing my violin, which is not a new hobby, but we are getting ready for a competition in …show more content…

Typically, I would just read them for fun and would not be surprised if it occasionally did not work. However, now that I have learned more about them and really paid attention to what it had to say, I see that they actually are quite accurate. I have almost all the same characteristics and preferences as a Caner. My horoscope was even true and worked in a certain sense. After this experience, I do believe there is some type of accuracy in them and will read them more often. Overall, I think Zodiacs are just amusing and fun for people, especially when they are accurate. It is fun and makes people happy when they match up. They think it is crazy that the predictions were right, like a free “psychic reading.” I believe Zodiacs and horoscopes are harmless fun that are quite interesting. Who cares if someone believes in them, it is about their life and will only bother someone if they let

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