Youth Gangs, Drugs, & Violence

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Gang involvement and its associated violent crime have become a rapidly growing problem for the United States. Generally, gangs consist of young people of the same ethnic, racial, and economic background. Usually of a low socio-economic status, these gangs engage in illegal money making activities and intimidate their neighborhoods and rival gangs with violent crimes and victimization. Gang members exemplify a high value for group loyalty and sacrifice. Gangs often target youth when recruiting new members, with the average age of initiation being 13 years old (Omizo, Omizo, and Honda). A personal interview with police gang specialist, Rob Geis, revealed that the rapid growth of gangs is resulting in recruitment at shockingly young ages. The youth are easily enticed by gangs for a number of reasons. Availability of guns and drugs, a lack of education and good parenting, and economic and financial status all contribute to the problem of youth gang involvement (Rob Geis, Personal Interview). Youth begin to realize if they have a low socioeconomic status, and feel pressured to find a way to better their economic situations. Gangs offer a solution to economic stress. Immigrants who come to America to make money to send back to family members “often cannot find work, and exhausted, they realize the easiest thing to do is to sell drugs” (Bazan, Harris, and Lorentzen 380). Drug sales often occur in areas of gang activity. In order to participate in drug sales, it is necessary to join the gang that controls the area. This way an individual’s protection and safety ensured. Familial dissention is another reason some adolescents turn to gangs. They are in search of an escape, and sense of family. Bazan, Harris and Lorentzen interviewed e... ... middle of paper ... ...David C. "From Colors And Guns To Caps And Gowns? The Effects Of Gang Membership On Educational Attainment." Journal Of Research In Crime & Delinquency 51.1 (2014): 56-87. Academic Search Complete. Web. 1 Mar. 2015. Swahn, Monica H., et al. "Alcohol And Drug Use Among Gang Members: Experiences Of Adolescents Who Attend School." Journal Of School Health 80.7 (2010): 353 360. Academic Search Complete. Web. 1 Mar. 2015. Walker-Barnes, Chanequa J., and Craig A. Mason. "Delinquency And Substance Use Among Gang-Involved Youth: The Moderating Role Of Parenting Practices." American Journal Of Community Psychology 34.3/4 (2004): 235-250. OmniFile Full Text Mega (H.W.Wilson). Web. 1 Mar. 2015. Wood, Michelle, et al. "Understanding The Psychosocial Characteristics Of.." Education & Treatment Of Children (ETC) 20.3 (1997): 281. Academic Search Complete. Web. 1 Mar. 2015.

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