Young Italy

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Late 19th and early 20th century Europe was the result of new ideas, industrialization, and new nations being formed. Every nation in Europe at the time was preaching nationalism or at least thinking about how it could affect them good and bad. “Young Italy” written by Giuseppe Mazzini is the oath taken by the members of “Young Italy”. This was a society dedicated to the cause of Italian unity. (Perry, page 114). . "The Semitic vs. Teutonic Race" is document expressing that they want to close German borders off from the Jewish people. (Perry, page 146). Hermann Ahlward was the author of this document, and also a member of Riechstag an anti-Semitic group. (Perry, page 146). European nations all seem like they were just finding a way to make themselves better, and they didn’t care if they had to use racism, or nationalism. The nations of Europe would have tried anything.

Racism is the belief that the genetic factors which constitute race, ethnicity, or nationality are a primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that ethnic differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race. This is the definition of racism, a horrible cause that has damaged our human world at times. Old Germany seems to me to be one of the best nations at manifesting racism that is if you can be good at it. Herman Ahlward immediately gets right in to destroying the Jewish race in "The Semitic vs. Teutonic Race". He says “the Jews as a whole must be considered harmful” and that the Jewish traits do not agree with the traits of the Teutons. (Perry, page 147). The document says that the Jews are different in every way even down to how they think. The text wants Germans to be Germans, and Jews to be Jews, and then even goes on the say that...

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... and has created racism. This is not okay; people are equal in every way. How do you stay a nationalist without becoming racist? You simply allow other people to also become a part of your nation. Let them experience the joy of having culture. People want to feel like they belong, I think the greatest thing you can give someone is accepting who they are. I think instead of having nationalism to one particular race or country, it should be nationalism to the human race; not world peace but an Agreement that we are all human, and can live amongst each other freely. War should not be caused by the color of skin or the way some one’s eyes look like, or how hair is different, or even religion. War should only happen if necessary and someone has hurt you, or stolen from you, or done you wrong. To become a perfect nationalist nation is to accept others into your culture.

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