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Sociological theories related to teen pregnancies
Sociological theories related to teen pregnancies
Sociological theories related to teen pregnancies
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Most teenage girls cherish the moments when they start to reach the age of puberty. Reaching the age of puberty means a lot for them: they are now consider a woman; which is, where their bodies are now able to reproduce. Reaching Puberty not only signifies maturity or being able to reproduce but also, signifies a major hormonal change that may possible lead to sexual maturation. In addition, puberty also accompanied with major physical growth and development of the brain; which is still diminutive for minor. One of the major attribute of puberty is that it enhances the body. Because of the physical attribute that a female-teens develop as result of puberty or (maturity), they are now seem as an actual adults or they are now seen as fair game for adults and juveniles. While according to the law, having sex, assault or anything of nature, with an underage person (minor) is, consider statutory rape. Even if the sex may not be forced or compelled, it is legally looked at as a nonconsensual under the statutory rape law code. Different states address sex with minors differently, based on the current statutory rape law, some states are working diligently to enhance the way the carryout statutory rape laws to offenders’ while some are lacking extremely on the issue, which are leading to some mutinous social problems.
There is a major concern about the widespread of teen’s pregnancy in the United States. There are likely some correlation between teen’s pregnancy, poor economy and social hardship of young adult. Teenagers are less likely to use birth controls than a woman of a higher age. In relation with Criminology The Core, Ed 4 (pg. 46), states that according to cultural changes, “In contemporary society, cultural change, such as incr...
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...the emotional void they didn’t have”. In addition, a teen responded to Dworsky question of why they replied, “Why wait? Wait for what? I’m not going to college”.
According to one of the sub-segment of the development theory, the views Life-Course Fundamentals (Theories), even as toddlers, people begin relationships and behaviors that will determine their adult life course. Some however, are unable to mature in a reasonable and timely fashion because of family, environmental, or personal problems. In some cases, transitions can occur too early, such as when an adolescent girl who engages in precocious sex gets pregnant and is forced to drop out of high school. The Life course theory also highlight that as people mature, the factors that influence their behavior changes if their surroundings changes for the best. (Criminology, The Core, 4th Edition, page 227-228).
Eric Erikson developed eight different psychosocial stages which emphasize the lifespan development during the major periods in life. The first psychosocial stage is infancy and it embraces the age of birth to one year old. The infancy crisis is trust versus mistrust which emphasizes that if children are taken care of; they will be able to gain confidence as well as trust. In the other hand, if they developed mistrust they will develop a sense of insecurity. Erickson’s second stage is toddlerhood which embraces the ages of one to three and deals with the stage crisis of autonomy versus shame and doubt. In the toddlerhood stage, toddlers are able to use mental skills and are able to start deciding for themselves. The third stage is early childhood, and it embraces the ages of three to six with the stage crisis of initiative versus guilt. During the early childhood stage children are able to gain the characteristics of ambition and responsibility and it is developed through the parent’s support. On the other hand if parents are too demanding children will develop guilt. The next stage is middle adulthood which ranges in the ages of six to eleven; children are able to develop the characteristic cooperation but, inferiority can also arise with negative experiences which can cause a stage crisis of industry versus i...
The stand or fall of social environment has a strong impact on the formation of a child’s behavior. Wes P had begun selling drugs, which was making him plenty of money. He explained his cash flow and expensive purchases by telling his mother he had become a successful DJ in the neighborhood. “ Tony found his younger brother and asked for an explanation for the learning tower of Nikes. Wes stuttered out a story: he’d became a popular DJ and was making incredible loot DJing parties.”(69) While Mary believed him, Tony did not. One day he came by the house and noticed Wes P’s room had changed a lot, and a tower of new shoe boxes convinced Tony that Wes had gotten into the drug game. Under the influence of society and vanity, Wes P chose a wrong to making money to sell drug. Throughout the current juvenile crime is visiting trend and the situation of the children more and more to discipline. I believe that in addition to the existing school education way and the modern social development also does not adapt and family education also has a larger error, largely due to social bad education caused by environment factor. Society environment is also equally important, and a good society environment is more conducive to the healthy growth of children, but no more important than family and school environment to the
Sexuality and Gender in Children’s Daily Worlds article by Thorne and Luria focuses on the relationships between sexuality and gender in the experience of 9 to 11 year old children. The purpose of the authors’ analysis is to illuminate age-based variations and transitions in the organization of sexuality and gender. Throughout this paper we discover how gender and sexuality has become a social and cultural construction that is expressed through young children. At a young age we tend to define and separate ourselves by gender, boys vs. girl. These divisions are enforced around us daily. For example, teachers often tend to separate team by gender whether it’s in the classroom or the playground.
Teenagers who become mothers have harsh prospects for the future. Teenagers obtaining abortions are 20% and girls under 15 accounts for 1.2%. They are much more likely to leave of school; receive insufficient prenatal care; rely on public assistance to raise a child; develop health problems; or en...
When studying human development, it is helpful to understand the main developmental domains (i.e physical, cognitive, emotional and moral) and the ways in which people develop within each domain at certain age stages. Use of psychological theories is also helpful to understand the reasons for this development and the ways in which it manifests at different age stages. The objective of this essay is to analyse the influences on development from conception to late adolescence. It will describe theories of lifespan development with information regarding my own development used to support these theories. It will be concluded that theories of lifespan development can be used to explain life experiences in the different developmental domains at different
The overall teen birth rate has declined by 16 percent from 1991 to 1997. “All states are recording a decline and it is the sixth year in a row that the teen birth rate has declined,” stated Donna Shalala, HHS secretary of U. S. Newswire. Although the birthrate among teens is decreasing and the percentage of teenagers who have had sexual intercourse is declining, it is a multi-fauceted problem affecting today’s youth. The government is taking in to consideration all possibilities and conditions with teen births to make an affective way to prevent it.
Psychosocial development throughout the Life Cycle theory (sometimes known as individual development theory) proposes that each individual has the ability to master their environment at all stages of life (Coady & Lehman, 2008; Hutchison, 2008). The theory had its beginnings in Freud’s psychosexual stages of child development; however Erikson is responsible for laying the groundwork for the theory as it is known today, by proposing an epigenetic model of human development (Hutchison, 2008).
Statutory rape laws are valuable in protecting the rights of minors. Possibly, if the laws were revamped to suit the changing attitudes’ of modern society, the law would be more effective. In place of worrying about the misinterpreted claims of statutory rape, prosecutors can focus on the more crucial cases. With more defined modern guidelines, society would be aware of the laws regarding statutory rape and some more pleased. Statutory rape laws are no longer used to prohibit teenagers from having sex. Instead, the regulations are to make certain that the teenagers who are having sexual intercourse are not unknowingly being emotionally forced into it by their significantly older partner’s power. Ideally, statutory rape laws can only improved the lives of teenagers.
Developmental theories are broken up into two perspectives: Life-course, and Latent Trait. These perspectives may answer questions on why juveniles have grown to lead a destructive life-style and why others grow out of their delinquency. Latent trait explains some of the tendencies we may be born with and how important it is to be there for our children. Our parenting skills do have a profound effect on how our children may lack self control or have impulsive behavior. Life course perspective takes place as we grow and learn more in life.
Developmental theories are the different views that are used to describe why criminal activity starts and why it continues or stops. Life course theory views an individual from childhood to adulthood and how they are influenced by other individuals, life experiences and personal traits. When kids are in trouble throughout their childhood, things like a stable job and intact relationships can help them deter from crime. On the other hand, some children continue to hang with the wrong crowd and develop a criminal career. This is an original theory first discovered by Sheldon and Eleanor Glueck. The major strength of this theory is that it focuses on the history of a person as well as present day. A weakness of this theory is that it is hard to keep up with the changes in society and the changes that can affect an individual’s way of life.
According to the Advocates for Youth organization, “sex education is the cause of healthy sexual behavior and results in the decline of teen pregnancy.” This could be because sex education teaches young people about sex from a biological and scientific standpoint. Thus, explaining why teens physically feel a certain way when puberty happens. It answers lingering questions about the b...
The concept of comprehensive social intervention has been defined as the process of identifying social problems in an attempt to eradicate them. In looking at the broad range of social characteristics and the behavior associated with teen pregnancy, it is obvious that the emphases placed on the effort to recognize and alleviate teen pregnancy can be celebrated through the effectiveness of education, family planning, and abstinence. However, the attempt to analyze and deal with the cause-and-effect relationship with teen pregnancy is an attempt in understanding the social world itself. In 2006, statistics show that there was a significant increase in teen pregnancy after a decade long decrease. The potential for understanding this increase motivates us to look beyond simple explanations for cause-and-effect behavior and to look at what interactions may be occurring between variables that result in specific behaviors or social conditions. What is it that influences behavior? In looking at teen pregnancy in the realm of the family, it is evident that a large number of family structures have evolved, or perhaps devolved, into a variety of combinations which challenge responsible parents to consistently expose their children to the role models and the types of behaviors that are important for their children to emulate as they mature. People are molded by circumstances and experiences, all of which can positively or negatively influence our behavior.
Young adults think differently than adolescents and they have different views and opinions on things. During adulthood, an individual begins to discontinue their risky behaviors such as having sex without protection, driving recklessly, and playing dangerous sports. On the other hand, some people still continue this behavior while in adulthood but it is not common. Many people believe that the key sign of actually becoming an adult is financially supporting oneself. This step occurs sooner to the students who either do not attend college or do not finish high school. Students which go to college, this occurs to them later on in life. Establishing intimacy is the sixth step in Erikson’s theory of psychosocial development, “intimacy versus isolation.” Once a person has established their own identity, they are prepared to establish a “shared identity” (intimacy) with another person. Men and women resolve intimacy issues very differently, for instance, some women establish intimacy by getting married and having children, before they actually establish their identity. Middle-aged women attending college are an example of these
Teenager sexuality refers to sexual feelings, behavior and development in adolescence. It is a stage of human sexuality which is often a vital aspect of teenagers’ lives. Some people believe that sex is essential in every teenage life while other think that it is far better to avoid it till marriage. Studies show that teens are becoming sexually active at younger ages than ever before. This development raises moral, social and health issues as well as considerable controversy. Why this sudden transformation on sexual behavior has happened? What are the major problems and consequences that derive from teenagers’ sexual behavior? Is there a way we could assist to aware this teens about this issue?
Teen pregnancy is the term used in reference to those young ladies who get pregnant before attainment of legal adulthood that is between 13-18 years age group. It is a circumstance under which a teenager becomes pregnant unintentionally affecting her life-span development. Teen pregnancy is a prevalent factor among many teenage women especially in their 16th to 19th birthday. Pregnant teenagers are today faced with many obstetrics problems similar to those of the women in their age gap of 20s and 30s. Additional medical concerns are experienced by pregnant teenagers in the developing countries especially women aged 14 or younger. A wide range of teenage pregnancy is unplanned and therefore more risk factors are experienced especially the socioeconomic risks. In the developing countries, teen pregnancies lead to social issues and life complications due to early motherhood. The associated social issues include lower educational levels, increasingly poverty level and other poor life outcomes. In the developed countries, teenage pregnancy occurs outside of marriage, thus leads to the development of social stigma in variety of cultures and communities (Carlson, 2009).