Yawning: It Isn't About Oxygen Anymore
Have you ever wondered why yawns are contagious; have you ever been in class and seen someone across the room yawn and found yourself following along? Have you ever been reading a book and, upon coming across a yawning character, been moved to stretch out your own face muscles? Most likely these things have happened to almost everyone more times than they can remember. I cannot tell you how many times I have yawned in the process of researching and writing this paper. A friend of mine began to yawn uncontrollably as I discussed my ideas with her.
Yawning is a phenomenon that occurs for most people many times a day, yet it is not one that has been studied extensively by researchers. This is an unfortunate fact because he more I read about yawning and thought about number of situations in which it occurs, the more eager I became to better understand what is behind humans' tendency to yawn.
At first, one might see yawning as a silly phenomenon to spend time studying because, well, it is just what happens when we are tired; but it is more complicated than that. We yawn when we are tired, but also when we wake up, when we are bored, and even simply because we see others doing it. When one delves into the unknown of what causes a yawn, he or she will become intrigued by how mysterious the occurrence is and surprised about how little we known about it. The following will discuss the many theories that have been put forward regarding the phenomenon and its contagious qualities and explore the implications and problems with these various theories.
There exist both theories as to why we yawn and theories as to why yawns are contagious. Let us first look into why we yawn. The theory that...
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...ntagious Tendencies
6)Island Scene Online, Speaks on why a yawn can be more contagious than the flu
7)Fetal yawning in utero, Addresses observations of fetal yawning at 20 weeks
8)Scientific American, Addresses why we yawn and why yawning is contagious
9)Article in press at www.elsevier.com, Discusses the impact of schizotypal personality traits;%20A%20left-hand%20advantage%20for%20self-description
2. “Don’t mind me. Been around as long as me get kinda busy in the head and talk all kindsa
From the Chelsea Naval Hospital, overlooking the Boston Bay, I sip on a cup of Joe and browse over the Sports Section of the Los Angeles Times. Earlier this month, three Bostonians dropped dead from influenza. In examining the extent of the epidemic, Surgeon-General Blue commented to the Times , "People are stricken on the streets, while at work in factories, shipyards, offices or elsewhere. First there is a chill, then fever with temperature from 101 to 103, headache, backache, reddening and running of the eyes, pains and aches all over the body, and general prostration." I gaze out my window, the sun seems brighter than usual and the town more radiant. It must be the victory, for the threat of death due to influenza is pervasive. Outside, children jump rope. With every skip of the jump rope they chant. "I had a little bird." Skip. "Its name was Enza." Skip. "I opened up the window." Skip. "And in-flu-enza."
spread topic. After viewing the first video clip, one of the panelist said that “a
Researchers have tried to understand what exactly causes stuttering and where it originates. After much research, the answers are still an enigma. Stuttering has been known for centuries and occurs in all cultures (Packman, 2002). Stuttering has been the subject of many physical and mental outcomes for many decades. Researchers have seen people with PDS (persistent developmental stuttering) have a decrease in white matter in the rolandic operculum, thus there is a good hunch that stuttering could be based on an anatomical basis (Packman, 2002).
Domestic violence describes a situation where one person in a relationship is using violence to control and dominate another person. Domestic violence victims and their batterers cut across all socioeconomic, demographic, and professional lines. It is an epidemic that is emphasized particularly with the female gender. While physical assault is often times the most common form of abuse, it is important to acknowledge that other forms of abuse are just as detrimental. Often times, fear and isolation are particularly powerful in preventing women from leaving a violent relationship.
Domestic violence tears thousands of familys apart every year. Today there are about 3-4 times as many offenses as there was 75 years ago. You may not think there are as many cases of domestic violence. Domestic violence isn’t always a husband or boy friend beating their kid or girlfriend/wife. There are several different types of domestic violence, a man beating a women, a man beating his child, a woman beating her significant other, a woman beating her child, or a child abusing his/her parents verbally or physically. There are also cases not only on physical and verbal assault; there are sexual assaults, social abuse, and economic abuse. Most of all acts of domestic violence are involved with alcohol and drugs. Although these things happen every day, they should happen at all, but some people are afraid or embarrassed about being assaulted. This gets to the point where they victim is so frightened about their assaulter that they won’t even report it to the police, so they go on living in abuse which is not right at all.
He started with credit card forgeries, insurance fraud, and check kiting, but “soon became even bolder and began reporting fictitious revenues from ‘insurance restoration’ contracts” to coerce banks into approving his loans. He ultimately expanded the insurance restoration activities so much that they accounted for nearly 90% of the company’s annual revenues.
I liked (-- removed HTML --) Diary Of An Oxygen Thief (-- removed HTML --) from the start to the end. The book started out compelling. The anonymous writer did very well and I wanted to keep reading to see if he would ever break his pact with himself to never have an alcoholic drink again. The writer faced many situations that he definitely could have avoided and not hurt other people's feelings. He taught himself and learned from his past experiences. I feel bad for him, because he had to make the mistakes first to even realize what harm he was doing to not only himself but everyone he dragged into his life.
First of all, in order to understand the impact domestic violence causes, one must know what “domestic violence” means. When the term “domestic violence” is used, for many, the idea of physical abuse only comes to mind. However, domestic violence can be much more than just physical abuse. Domestic violence can be seen in countless cases as “ a pattern of abusive behavior in any relationship that is used by one partner to gain or maintain power and control over another intimate partner.”, (USDOJ: Office on Violence Against Women: Crimes of Focus: Domestic Violence) Domestic violence can range from not only physical abuse, but also to abusing a partner’s emotions, forcefully restricting a partner’s money spending habits, and assaulting a partner with unwanted sexual contact. The cases for domestic violence have been dramatically increasing in the United States. Although domestic violence can make its way into any relationship, it is seen most commonly against women. Often times women believe that they are the ones that cause their partner to become violent in the relationship, however this is not the case.
At the young age of 16 he left his house in Bronxville, New York and went to New York City. He started off with a job, but he was not paid enough. Thinking it was his age that was the problem, he altered his driver's license so that he was then 26, though it was not the age that was the problem, but the fact he was a high school dropout (Abagnale Catch 21-23). He started living off of checks to his bank account that was empty (Abagnale Catch 25). After realizing that the police will catch him soon, he got a co-pilot's uniform, fake copies of all the credentials, a new ID’s, and went around as a co-pilot riding the jump for flights around the world, and rooming with his many flight attendant girlfriends whenever he needed to lay low (Abagnale Catch 28-44). After almost being caught (Abagnale Catch 71), he became a pediatrician and stayed as one for a year before worrying that he could cause great harm to those who were under his care (Abagnale Catch 86-96). It should be said that he let his interns and nurses do all the work, and was not the one doing the life threatening work (Abagnale Catch 93). Abagnale then saut a law degree. The high school dropout who never went to college passed the bar exam, though he did fail the first two times he took it, and became a lawyer for nine months (Abagnale Catch 104-109). Posing as a college professor was next and he did that for 3 months (Abagnale Catch 113-114). After a mishap with a check, he had to pose as an FBI agent who was looking for him for a day, and abruptly left the position. (Abagnale Catch 125-127). After he went to several different countries, he was caught and served his time in many different jails across the world before being released. (Abagnale Catch
Many people want to know why people become batterers. There is no single reason for being abusive. Violence is a means trying to control someone else. Many batterers were victims of abuse as children or came from families in which spousal abuse was prevalent. Many women and/or men stay with their violent partner because of their children,love, lack of self-esteem and promises.(“Information”). There are many ways that people that suffers from domestic violence could look for help. One of the ways that they could look for help if they are concerned about something is called a hotline. A hotline is a phone number people can call to get immediate emergency telephone counseling, usually by trained volunteers. A hotline is very helpful, not only for people that need help, but also for people that need questions to be answered. Another way that they could look for help is by putting a restraining order against the abuser. Restraining orders basically mean that a person cannot be near the victim's home; sometimes that helps the person, but there are cases where the abuser does not care if they have a restraining order. One possible way that someone could help is by calling the police.Women and men should speak up for themselves before it is too late. About 4,000 women die each year due to domestic
In Homo sapiens (genus and species of man), the notion of natural selection is observed in the way we perform our activities of daily living. In 2003, Davidson et al.2 presented data supporting the concept that craniofacial structural and anatomical changes took place for the development of speech and language. Unfortunately, the undesired consequence of this evolution facilitated obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) in modern humans.2
Domestic violence is an issue that most individuals tend to avoid or simply do not understand. According to National Coalition Against Domestic Violence (NCADV, 2015) In the United States there are approximately 10 million victims of domestic violence each year. Out of the 10 million victim’s women tend to have higher rates of domestic violence that 1 in 5 women have been physical abused by their intimate partner. However, Domestic violence can either be physical or mental that on individual inflicts on to another. Victims of domestic often do not realize they are being abused. Even though women have a higher rate of being abused, domestic violence can affect anyone including men. The NCADV have reported that 1 in 7 men have been victims of
Imagine a 120 pound woman who is confined to a 4 x6 box with a 300 pound athlete who is receiving multiple blows to the cranium. This is just one of the few stories that reached national headlines when NFL star, Ray Rice, physically assaulted his soon to be wife. Unfortunately, this is all too common and often goes unnoticed and even hidden by the victim. This is domestic violence and physical violence is just one of the many types that affect not only women but all ethnic backgrounds, genders, and ages. Domestic violence can also occur in a range of relationships including heterosexual, gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender relationships, and also within extended families. In addition to physical violence, other common
Domestic violence is a social problem that has existed in our society for a long time and there has been no way figured out yet to solve this epidemic. Domestic violence is very complicated issues that need the attention in both national and international forums. It is the issue that has always been ignored, denied and overlooked all the time. It is a terrible issue that needs to grasp the attention of all people before it gets developed into even bigger problems than what it is today. People who are the victim of domestic violence always live in the fear, torture and pain that make their life even worse to live. This kind of people is in extreme need of help, love and support from every individual in the society in order to get out of such abusive relationship.