When I was a little girl, I always wanted to be something that had to do with Criminal Justice. Why? Well because I use to watch a lot of those crime shows when I was younger and they always had my full attention. Plus my aunt is a sheriff so when I could I would go to work with her and I get an even closer hand on look at CSI work. So going with her made me even more interested day by day. At that moment I knew what I wanted to be when I finished high school.
According to Bureau of Labor Statistics, Forensic Technicians observe and go over the crime scene. They also determine evidence that should be collected. You take pictures of the crime sight and the evidence you would be collecting. Techs also have to make sketches of the scene, They perform analyses on whatever was collected. Look at leads on suspects by using the data from the analysis. (“What They Do”) Forensic Techs are mainly the people that do all the technical touchy touchy work at the scene. They take the bodies and test it for prints. The Technicians check for foul play on the body so they know how you died. That’s mainly what Forensic Technicians do.
The work places of a Technician are police stations, and offices. When it’s a body they have to go to crime laborites and morgues. The reason they have to go here is so they can test the body and see what they can find. Like maybe its small evidence on the body that the actually detectives or the police couldn’t see. Technicians are associated with Medical Examiners and the coroner office. They have to work in all types of weather no matter what, they work in groups and teams with other techs or specialist. (“Work Environment”) Forensic Technicians have an unsteadily days because their working all times of th...
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...ything is on it that it doesn’t wear off and you don’t have it anymore. During this examination you have to tell the size and shape of the bullet. You have to look into the deep things when you doing this because anything can be there just small. (“At The Mortuary”)
That about sums everything up, they have criminal programs that are available to you at any time. All these programs should take you about at least a year. Be serious about what you are doing if you really wanted to go into this force. Forensic Technicians travel a lot especially if you are one of those good ones because they are going to call out to you first. You work with the FBI most of the times with the big crimes. Be good in the lab cause you will be in there most of the time and you need a good eyesight. If you want to be a Forensic Technician then be update and be ready to be doing hard work.
In the process of becoming a crime scene technician it takes years of education and different courses that must be passed. In the technical school it is required to have a 4 year college degree and bachelors degree in forensic science, criminal justice, crime scene investigation, biology, and chemistry( Echoure 60). In those courses it gives you an overall education on the types of things you will be facing at crime scenes. Many of the required courses include 1-3 years of police work with fingerprints, crime scene experience, photography, and photo processing experience (Calhoun 2). To get into being a crime scene technician you need to have a valid driver's license and a certification from an international association. Having a bachelors degree in all these courses and with years of education does not make the job of a crime scene technician any easier.
Forensic anthropology is the study of bones in relation to a criminal investigation. Some have probably seen it used on television, but this is not an accurate portrayal of what this truly is. Many times, this area of forensic science is hidden from the public eye; people only get to see all of the glamorous parts. What they do not see is all of the hard work and effort that is put in to get the job correctly done. This career is a rare decision for someone to choose, because of the lack of opportunity for employment positions as well as the low income per year; however, it is an extremely fascinating occupation. Forensic anthropology has been known to help many organizations, including museums, and law enforcement agencies.
I wanted to be the reason that kids smiled and be the person that kids looked up to. So, I became a preschool teacher. I quickly learned that it was not the field for me to be in. So, I searched for a new career field. I knew I wanted to work with kids. I thought about a social worker and then I realized I would lose my job quicker than I got it. So, I considered being a juvenile corrections officer. When I looked at all the different things I could do with in that field I instantly fell in love with it. People ask me all the time of why would I rather work with the kids behind bars rather than work with the kids outside who are good
The overall goal of a forensic scientist is to determine the facts using all the available resources they were given. They give their expert opinion to the attorneys, judge, and jury, and depending on how well prepared they are, can sway the jury to either a guilty or innocent verdict (Thinkquest 2014). In general, a forensic expert must keep impeccable records of all that has b...
Crime scene investigators have a very important role when it comes to catching criminals and putting them away for a crime they committed. They are also called Forensic Science Technicians. The main role for a crime scene investigator is to investigate crimes and to collect evidence. Most types of evidence being hair, tissue, and fluids like blood or saliva. Basically, they provide evidence that shows information to help either acquit or convict a person of a crime (Crime 1).
...or special agents, gather facts and collect evidence of possible crimes. You need a high school diploma or equivalent and the annual pay is $56,980. Private detectives and investigators find facts and analyze information about legal, financial, and personal matters. They offer many services, including verifying people’s backgrounds, finding missing persons, and investigating computer crimes. You need a high school diploma or equivalent for this one also, and the annual pay is $45, 740. These jobs are related to a forensic science technician because they all have to do with investigating or helping with a crime scene.
Although all crime scene investigator teams investigate the same case, their job and salary typically varies (Florida Tech University Online). There are four different branches on some...
The first step taken to become a forensic scientist is to first pass the education required to become one. The education level chosen depends on what kind of forensic job you are interested in and what salary you are going for. Most entry-level forensic positions require a bachelor’s degree in forensic or natural science (Anne 1996). Undergraduate programs consist of toxicology, biochemistry, and criminal justice classes. The American Academy of Forensic Sciences also recommends English classes. This is because forensic scientists need very honed written and oral communication capabilities to write detailed reports and testify physical evidence in court.
I have always been intrigued in movies that contained various aspects of law enforcement; one department in particular was the FBI. Since early on, I have come to the conclusion that I wanted to join, and be apart of the FBI workforce when I become older. As early as I can remember, I have always found interest within law and forensics. When I came to Bronx Leadership Academy, my freshman year, I was put into the forensics class which later opened my eyes into another realm, which immediately drew me in more into an area of law enforcement that I found very intriguing. While in my forensic class, my drive for wanting to learn more about the law, and the FBI became even stronger.
When arriving at the crime scene Geberth (1997) notes that there are certain procedures the investigators and forensic teams must abide by. When they arrive they have to document just about every thing, especially the important things. They have to go through a checklist, like the time of day, the weather, and interviews with officers, suspects, witnesses, and family members. When examining the body the forensic investigators record name, address, and the sex of the victim, determine the death, and they have to take pictures. Also they must stabilize the scene with barriers of rope or whatever is necessary. Collecting evidence is also important. They must make sure they do not get their fingerprints and other things like hair, saliva, etc… on the evidence. There is a whole lot to do when arriving, but those are the main and important ones.
To be a forensic scientist, you need a bachelor’s degree in natural sciences and a master’s degree in forensic science. Some things they need to know to be a forensic scientist are math, chemistry, and biology. The most important thing to major in is something that provides extensive course work in math and 24 academic units of biology or chemistry. When you are new to the job, you have to pass a proficiency exam and it has to be approved by the laboratory before you can actually start working alone and on different casework. When you are trained, some things you have to do are DNA analysis, drug analysis, trace evidence, do fingerprints, and many other different things you need to learn how to do before you start the job. Training might last anywhere between 6 months or up to about 2 years to make sure that you are ready and know how to do everything you need to do before you start the job.
According to the American academy of forensic science, the forensic sciences form a vital part if the entire justice and regulatory system. Forensic science is an enticing career having to do with science and criminal justice, a large variety of schooling is needed to start this job Despite the fact that it can be a dangerous environment it can be an exciting profession to pursue. There are many different fields in forensic science that you can study or major in but they all have the same objectives.
I come from a family with a lot of problems and that sparked an interest for me. It motivated me to want to help people and make them feel like they belong. My junior year of high school I figured out what it was I wanted to make a career out of. That career was becoming a therapist .
Forensic science is definitely a career that is essential in all of our daily lives. There are forensic scientists all around us and we not even recognize what their job entails. Such a promising career has a majorly vast amount of opportunities for a person potentially interested in this field to pursue. Forensic scientists have the capabilities of working in various atmospheres, such as, police departments, military branches, courts, and/or law firms. A person pursuing a career in forensic science would be responsible for the collection, preservation, and analysis of all crime scene evidence.
These technicians are typically the ones who analyze, take photos, make sketches and take detail of the scene. While analyzing there’s always those certain details in a scene that their looking for such as: fingerprints, palm prints, tire/shoe prints, wound imprints on a deceased person, hair, fiber’s and clothing. Different types of forensic scientists specialize in different things, for instance the time of death, cause of death, location of the crime, fingerprints, and DNA can be found using different methods of forensic