Forensic Science and Investigations

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Forensic Science and Investigations

The word forensic basically means the key to solve a crime. Science is the technology used to help forensic teams to analyze and solve crimes. What can look obvious to the naked eye could actually be a whole other story. Hair samples can determine many things about a person or animal when collected from forensics. There are many job opportunities with a good salary and many openings within the job. This paper will discuss a case where forensic science is needed and how crucial it is in any case.

When arriving at the crime scene Geberth (1997) notes that there are certain procedures the investigators and forensic teams must abide by. When they arrive they have to document just about every thing, especially the important things. They have to go through a checklist, like the time of day, the weather, and interviews with officers, suspects, witnesses, and family members. When examining the body the forensic investigators record name, address, and the sex of the victim, determine the death, and they have to take pictures. Also they must stabilize the scene with barriers of rope or whatever is necessary. Collecting evidence is also important. They must make sure they do not get their fingerprints and other things like hair, saliva, etc… on the evidence. There is a whole lot to do when arriving, but those are the main and important ones.

When documenting there is a lot to be recorded. There are three basic steps when an investigator records a crime scene. First of all the investigator must do a thorough investigation. They should gather as much information as possible, as in the time of the

report, who notified the investigator, condition of the body when arrived. Record all ...

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... good idea about the different fields of forensics. We have come far into the century with sciences and knowledge, and we use them to our advantage and to

help society. Forensics plays a meaningful role in the police field.



Adair, Thomas W., & Dobersen, Michael J. (1999). A Case of Suicidal Hanging Staged as Homicide. Journal of Forensic Sciences, 44 (6), 1307-1309.

Colburn, Gene. Virginia Division of Forensic Science. 12 Nov. 1999. 20 Nov. 1999 .

Geberth, Vernon J. (1997). Checklist and Field Guide. CRC Press, Inc.

Geberth, Vernon J. (1983). Practical Homicide Investigation: Tactics, Procedures, and Forensic Technics. Elsevier Science Publishing Co., Inc.

Savolainen, Peter, & Lundeberg, Joakim (1999). Forensic Evidence Based on mtDNA from Dog and Wolf Hairs. Journal of Forensic Sciences, 44 (1), 77-80.

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