Write An Essay On The Theme Of Push And Pull By Tfios

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The rape of a child is a violent act of contempt, not an expression of sexuality or affection” (Mike Lew). This quote focus on the idea that someone who sexual assault a child has committed a violent crime that will harm the child for his or her life. No child should be getting sexual assaulted or being molested by anyone. The main focal point on why Sapphire wrote the book Push is to show that kids are getting sexual assaulted by their parents and strangers. Some themes Sapphire used in the novel Push to show how sexual abuse can cause a lot of impact in someone’s in certain way such as pregnancy, sexual transmitted diseases, flashbacks, and suicidal.
In most cases when someone is sexually assaulted they are sometimes faced with a responsibility, which includes a child. One quote from the book push that shows that sexual assaulted leads to pregnancy and it has a lot of effects on someone life is, “I was left back when I was twelve because I had a baby for fahver. That …show more content…

One example from Sapphire Novel Push on page 112 is, “Get Daddy’s razor out cabinet. Cut cut cut arm wrist….”. This quote illustrates the idea that sexual assault can lead to commit suicide because the character in the book tries to harm herself because she couldn’t get away from the fact that she was being molested by her father. Moreover, another quote that also proves that sexual assaulted leads to suicidal thought is, “I hate myself when I think Carl Kenwood Jones. Hate wif a capital letter” (Sapphire 112). This quote proves the idea that sexual assaulted leads to suicidal thought because she was being rapes by her father, and now she really hates thinking about him which can make her get really angry and harm herself due to what her father has done to

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