Write An Essay On Mr Wilson

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Mister Wilson was exactly what I would expect from a white man who moved west in the 1800’s. He wore an outfit similar to his son’s and also like his son had a thick southern accent. He was a confident man who did not seem like he was the type to doubt himself for more than a second his blue eyes seemed as though they could cut down to your core and see your true intention. And he did not seem to like me one bit. We didn’t speak for long but it was long enough for me to figure out that I was on a small farm in the middle of Nebraska a few years after the Homestead Act was passed. Mister Wilson and his wife and two kids lived here with three slaves. Two helped in the field with Mister Wilson and Elizabeth worked in the garden and helped the …show more content…

I had so many questions for them. How could I say that they are two of my biggest inspirations if I didn’t even recognize them? It was almost dark now and I realized that it had taken me far longer than it should have to get the water. As I walked up to the house I Isabella and the two other slaves sitting in the grass eating. I had forgotten that allowing slaves to eat inside with you was frowned upon so seeing this was surprising at first and I almost asked if they would want to join everyone else inside. Instead I turned away and walked into the house. As soon as I entered I received a long scolding from Mister and Missus Wilson and was told that I would have to go to be without dinner. They pointed me to my cot and I saw that it was the same one I had woken up in that morning. I collapsed into the bed more exhausted than I ever thought I could be. I looked out the window above my before falling asleep and saw in the sky billions of stars. They lit up the sky not yet beaten out by pollution and city lights. I could see every constellation and even several planets. The night sky was more beautiful than I could have imagined and I couldn’t help but smile as I fell into a deep

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