Write An Argumentative Essay On Party Realignment

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Our nation is defined by representative democracy where the constituents cast their votes in to determine the individual that will represent them. Furthermore, our electoral system is comprised of a two party system that the constituents can choose from. Throughout our history of American elections the two party system have exhibited a certain pattern of realignments. In fact, the topic of realignment has been around since the 1800s and continues to be the topic of debates during election seasons. Specifically, during the New Deal realignment, the dominance shifted from the Republican Party to the Democratic Party (Campbell). Following the New Deal realignment, Democrats came out victorious in seven of the next nine elections (Campbell). …show more content…

Although many political scientists and voters have many debates and discussions on this matter, what exactly constitutes party realignment? According to Campbell’s Party Systems and Realignments in the United States, 1868-2004, realignments are the switch from one party system to another (Campbell). In this paper, we will delve into the definitions (or lack thereof) and associated concepts of party realignment, along with specific instances in American history where realignment occurred. In particular, the critical party realignment of 1896 and the New Deal realignment under FDR’s presidency. To begin, we look at the definitions and theories associated with party realignment. To put simply, realignment is a dramatic change in the dissemination of parties’ electoral strength at a national level, where another displaces one dominant electoral coalition or if the same party remains to dominate, its electoral “base” is significantly changed (George Hawley). Further, the theory of “critical election”, introduced by V.O. Key, is a concept that is closely tied to realignments (George Hawley). He states that critical elections” are comprised of elections where the involvement is relatively high, the results display a sharp

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