World War 1 Research Paper

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World War 1 was a great struggle between several nations. Two major causes of the war were militarism and nationalism. These concepts that lead to WW1 can be related to today’s conflicts that the US is having with North Korea. North Korea’s demonstration of militarism and nationalism is similar to that of WW1. Militarism is the belief that nations should build up and strengthen their army. Once a nation has done this, they feel the need to utilize their army in war. This is exactly what happened during World War 1. For example, Germany was envious of Great Britain’s powerful navy and felt threatened by it. So, they built up their own navy and this caused Britain to respond by strengthening their navy. This arms build up caused by Militarism lead to World War 1 …show more content…

Propaganda posters are posted everywhere that make foreign countries appear as enemies. Also, the media is censored to make their nation seem like it's perfect. This usage of propaganda and censorship is used to promote a strong sense of nationalism. As we have seen in World War 1, a strong sense of nationalism can lead to war. For example, Slavs in the Balkans sought independence from the dominating country of Austria-Hungary. Fueled by nationalism, the Slavs murdered Archduke Franz-Ferdinand of Austria-Hungary to achieve freedom. This assassination was a catalyst for the war. Based on this history, I strongly believe that the US should approach North Korean affairs with caution because similar nationalism can lead to war. The propaganda and media that brainwashes the North Korean public makes them dangerous and unpredictable. I still approve of the US going on peace missions to North Korea to ease the tensions caused by the missile crisis because this event can also lead to war. Though, I suggest that we limit the visits to North Korea as much as possible and insure security upon every visit. This will decrease the chances of an attack on US

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