Women's Rights In The 1800s

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In the 1800’s the women really did not have any rights the men had all the rights. The men were allowed to own their property they had to include the woman and her inheritance. Men’s could get an education the women could not. Men were allowed jobs that the women could not do. Women did not have the privilege of getting an education. The higher class women got an education in reading and writing. In the early 1800’s women did not have the right to vote ( Austen, Chapter 10).

If the woman was married her money went to her husband. The men’s wanted a wealthy woman. Some women just marry because her father told her to. The women would take care of the house such as cooking, cleaning, and doing what the men’s told her. The …show more content…

Men’s were the bread winner of their families. They were seen as the strongest of the family. Upper class men’s had more educational opportunities. Men’s in the lower class took jobs as knackers, coal miner, and etc. Men’s dressed very properly in the 1800’s. You would not see them in basketball shorts and a tee like today they wore suits (Austen, Chapter 20).

Fashion had mean a lot to the people in the 1800’s. Women had worn dresses and skirts. During the late 1800’s women start wearing pants to their industry work. Women who were gold miners wore pants. Today the fashion is very different. Not too many women today wear skirts they prefer pants instead. The class of women was distinguished by their clothes (Austen, Chapter 18).

It was only very few women who were educated, but. Unlike the men’s education was not encouraged for women. The women did not have a privilege to go to college. They had received a lower education than men’s. If a women wanted to go to school they were looked down on. Upper class women were allowed to be educated but it could not interfere with their housework (Austen, Chapter

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