Women In Law Enforcement Essay

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Although women are mistreated in law enforcement, they make a big percentage of the law enforcement community. They could care less about the way people look at them in the field they work at, however, they still wake up in the morning and get the job done without asking for anything. Despite all the negative things in this field, they make a huge difference. But why is women treated in such a different way than men in this field? Are men and women hired and promoted with equal consideration? This paper will review women in law enforcement today and their evolution into the field. The research discusses obstacles that today exist for their hiring, promotion, and the way they are being treated once inside. Policewomen have made a big progress in their numbers across the nation, but law enforcement is still typically seen as a male dominated profession. For women who have chosen to make this field their career, barriers exist that some people say are discriminatory practices. Women police officers have been in the police field for over thirty years. There has been a …show more content…

Research shows that women in law enforcement are few and their numbers decrease as they try to move into command ranks. The National Center for Women & Policing reported that women accounted for only 12.7% of all sworn law enforcement positions in large agencies that had 100 or more sworn officers. In 1990, women made up 9% of total sworn officers. The current status and percentage is only 4% higher than in 1990. Women will have a hard time reaching an equal hiring rate to their male partners at this present rate. Even though research has indicated that males and females alike are capable of doing the job effectively, a potential bias in police hiring would explain the low number of women in law

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