Women And Beauty Essay: How To Beauty Beautiful All The Time

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Women and Beauty “How to look beautiful all the time” if you would of write an article about beauty with this title, I ca assure you that it is going to get people attentions specially women. Some people think beauty is only what you can see outside women bodies that’s what people really care about this days. Women are always into fashion and looking beautiful all the time, they don’t even care about how much money they spend on those tons of makeup and beauty products. Instead man only care about two things; sports and cars. Women care a lot more than men about their appearance, maybe it is just like the article say women have a tendency to have a low self-esteem. But why do women care more about looks than men? Well first and foremost, because Even though sometimes we know that what we see on TV commercial is no true, we still believe it and we buy the products because we want to look beautiful not only for ourselves but also for men. This is true I know many women are going to identify themselves whit this. The truth is that we don’t want to go to al club and be left alone because nobody wants to dance with you, nobody likes being call “the ugly duck.” That why we spend our money on thousands of beauty products. Sometimes even if we don’t look as good as those models on TV, we feel more comfy and more self-assured. “ If you look beautiful on the outside, the inside doesn’t matter” that’s what my friend say all the time, even though I know is not true, sometimes that’s what we need to As an example I see my cousin who is overweight, she is always talking about all the things she would do if she was skinny. She has a beautiful face, but she feels like she is ugly just because she has 10 extra pounds. When you don’t feel beautiful, your self-esteem is on the floor, you don’t want to go out because you are afraid people are going to say something about you, and not being as beautiful as your friends. You prevent yourself for doing many things just because you don’t feel confident enough to do them, but if you feel beautiful, your self-esteem is going to be as high as the

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