Wives Beware: The Drive In Theater

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“Nothing is going to remain the way it is. Let us, in the present, study the past, so as to invent the future.” (Augusto Boal). To most going to the drive in theaters are a thing of the past, but to some it’s an outing to get excited for. Drive in theaters were very popular in its time, it was for all ages, but now it’s obsolescent.
The first drive in theater was opened on June 6, 1933 in Crescent Boulevard in Camden, New Jersey. The first movie at the drive in theater was “Wives Beware” directed by Fred Niblo. The movie “Wives Beware” at the time was scandalous because it was about a man in an unsatisfying marriage who fakes amnesia. It was patent in 1949 and they started popping up everywhere. It was advertised as something for the entire family. …show more content…

The largest theater had a restaurant, a kids playground, and it was on a 28-acre lot. Going to the drive in theater was a great way for teens to get a bit of space from their parents while getting great snacks. Although that being said, for some teens it was a place to rebel from their parents. It was also a low cost way to get out of the house, paying no more than a dollar for a group of people to get in. Toward the late 1960s and 70s it became less popular.
Now there are fewer than 500 drive in theaters in the United States and the ones that are left are barely standing. Sure some might being doing well, but most people are too caught up in modern technology to go out to the drive in theater. Some drive in theaters ask for support from the community just to be able to keep them alive. Teens nowadays go to a walk in movie theater, or simply watch Netflix in the comfort of their own

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