Advantages And Disadvantages Of Watching Movies In The Theater

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The entertainment that people use in the world has a very large variety. People would go from doing an outdoor activity to watching television. Entertainment soon impacted its way of use through technology such as video games and computers. The most common thing people love to do is watch movies. Movies have been out through for a very long time. The first movies were in black and white and did not have any sound. As time passed by the way of making movies changed to where sound was implemented then they made the movies in full color. Today movies have special effects that are that have made them very realistic. There are two ways people can watch movies and one is at home and the other is at a theatre. Watching a movie at home is better than watching a movie at the theatre. They both have similarities and differences between its
A movie theater has its advantages and disadvantages. One advantage is that people can see the showing of different movies that have been newly released. The disadvantage is that, that is all there is to it and nothing more. At home, you can control the variety and ways to watch a movie. People buy many movies to watch at home and it can be anything at any time even at any place. The only bad thing about it is that they cannot see any of the newest released movies that recently came out in theaters. There are two types of ways people watch movies at their homes. One way is people already own DVDs or have bought many of them and start watching them in their DVD players. The other ways are streaming a movie through the internet. For this to happen, people would mainly buy the monthly subscriptions such as Netflix, Hulu, or Amazon Prime. Through this subscription people do not only watch movies in their homes but they also watch television shows. The only downside is there is a very limited number of movies added onto these

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