Willy Loman Carpentry Analysis

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Carpentry is the Carpentry’s literature as the Carpenter shapes the wood into his masterpiece people galvanize into the mastery of the Carpenter. In Death of a Salesman, varied times we hear about the craft of Carpentry but cloaks in the lines of the play. Few key members of the play are affected by the craft and brings out the struggles of the “Common man”. The story of Willy Loman actually connects deep within the Biblical characters of Joseph the Carpenter. Carpentry is the livelihood of blue collar Americans, that brought the success of Joseph the Carpenter and the failures of Willy Loman. During the 1940s, Carpentry was the symbol blue collar jobs. There was a high demand of carpenters as the war was close to the end and the high demand of cookie cutter suburban homes. Only Men that were great with their hands and had great likeable personalities strived as carpenters. The downside is carpenters had a short work span as physique had to be top notch and the pay was not the greatest. …show more content…

Step-Father of Jesus Christ, Joseph was a hard working carpenter that serves his people. Jesus was brought into his Step Father’s trade in Book of Mark questioning in astonishment “Is not this the carpenter, the son of Mary and brother of James and Joses and Judas and Simon? And are not his sisters here with us?” (Mark 6:3) Jesus served his people but never followed his Step-Father’s footsteps and believed he was made for more than being a carpenter but to be a servant for the Lord. “Who thought he was in the form of God, did not count equality with a god to be grasped but taking form of a servant and being born in the likeness of man” (Philippians 2:6-7) Jesus followed passions that Willy never did in “Death of a

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