As our society is beginning to more frequently exhibit “callout culture”, where individuals publicly denounce others for engaging in oppressive activities or language, it is no surprise that speculation of transphobia was portrayed in a UK television show. The encounter is discussed in Jonathan Griffin’s “India Willoughby: Is it Discriminatory to Refuse to Date a Trans Woman?” published by BBC News. Specifically ,Griffin describes a celebtiry transgender woman asking another contestant whether or not he would ever date a transgender woman. The contestant, singer, Ginuwine, stated he would not. This encounter raised controversary, particularly on twitter. The essential question prompted by this televised encounter and debated among numerous twitter users is: Is it discriminatory or transphobic to refuse to date a transgender woman or man? While I believe that it is both typical and acceptable to have a preferences for the characteristics your mate possesses, I do believe it is transphobic to definitively decide to not ever date any transgender individual. In addition, I believe the social …show more content…
For instance, some transgender women may have traditionally female characteristics and anatomy while others may not, some transgender men may have traditionally male characteristics and anatomy while others may not. The anatomy, characteristics, personalities, and sexual orientations of transgender individuals varies vastly. Accordingly, I believe it is acceptable to not want to date a particular transgender person as he/she does not embody attributes you find attractive, however, it is transphobic to generalize all transgender people together and deem them to be “undateable”. In the case of some transgender individuals, it may not even be apparent that they are transgender as many transgender individuals begin transition young and appear
For instance, sociologists would argue that characteristics of the male gender in a given society include independence, and dominance whereas females express more passive behavior. Gender identity, on the other hand is an individual’s sense of their gender or in other words, their sense as to whether they are feminine or masculine. Therefore, transgender is a term related to “people whose gender identity is different from the gender commonly socially assigned to them on the basis of their biological sex” (Morrow & Messinger, 2006, p. 7).“Biological theories assume that gender should be consistent with biological sex and there are only two genders and two sexes” which does not correspond to transgender people. Furthermore, transgender is also used as a general term to include people such as transsexuals and cross-dressers
The great feminist theorist once said “‘Sometimes people try to destroy you, precisely because they don’t see it, but because they see it and don’t want it to exist’” (Mook 195). Support becomes very important for transgender people at the time they transition. Many families support their transgender family members, but society rejects their transition. Many people want transgender people out of their communities.
In April of 2015, Diane Sawyer premiered an interview on 20/20 that stirred up a heated debate within several, special interest groups in the US. Bruce Jenner decided to tell Sawyer that he was a trans woman, officially “coming out”. After a name and identity change in the public eye months later, Caitlyn Jenner became the media face of the transgendered community. However, as many quickly realized, Jenner’s point of view and experiences differed from other trans individuals in the US, and it drove an already hot topic into a fiery argument in multiple areas of social debate. While there are numerous supporters of Jenner, there are equally just as many that do not see her as a trans woman but a man dressing like a woman. These arguments are
Transgender is defined by Wikipedia as, “the state of one's gender identity (self-identification as woman, man, neither or both) or gender expression not matching one's assigned sex.” The article explains how a transgender individual may define themselves as having the characteristics that are normally associated with a particular gender but will choose to identify elsewhere on the gender continuum. It use’s the love story of Rhys Ernst and Zackary Drucker as an example. It took five years for Zackary to transition from male to female and Rhys from female to male. But both truly believe that they were born the wrong gender, and choose to correct this wrong with hormone treatments, surgery and personality changes that to the more tradition eye may seem absurd and abnormal. This is one of the main reason such transgender couples are talking about their transformations. To beach this gap between transgender’s and the rest of the population. It is believed that by educating society, we are more likely to accept something than if we do not fully understand the parameters that surround such an issue.
Transgendered people have a different and unique fight than the rest of the community. Transgendered peoples not only have the issues of “coming out,” (as others in the communities do) but also becoming a different gender. There are different obstacles that Trans people have to face.
Transgender is an umbrella term, meaning an individual’s gender-identity does not align with their assigned sex at birth. Although transgender is a protected class in eighteen states, these individuals still face discrimination within the country and around the world (“Non-Discrimination Laws”). Transgender is not a lifestyle, no one chooses to live their life constantly being discriminated against. Transgender issues should be more educated on and their lives should be more protected. The most common issue transgender individuals face every day is bathroom use.
Early April 2016, North Carolina passed a law restricting governments from passing laws that are discriminatory. This law is intended to protect Transgender people from discrimination. Discrimination against Transgenders is against the law, and it has stirred up arguments throughout the nation. With more and more people standing up against discrimination regarding Transgenders, the debate about Transgenders is now nationwide. Unfortunately, Transgenders still continue to face public discrimination due to misinformation and misleading statements from the media.
Bruce Jenner has recently become top priority in media because of his decision to transition into a woman, and formally be known as Caitlyn Jenner. Some people refuse to call Bruce by his new name, while others never look back. Whatever the case, in today’s day in age almost any subject can become offensive to someone. In order to make light of the seemingly uncomfortable situation, satirists step in and explore many different outlets and ways of loosening tensions. When a problem becomes a common topic in the media, satirists find the next topic they will write about. However, there are some topics that are always controversial such as gender discrimination. Not only women against men and visa versa, but also transgender against
The depiction of transgender women characters in mainstream television has been offensive, insulting and derogatory. An article from GLADD called “Victims or Villains: Examining Ten Years of Transgender Images on Television”, examines 102 episodes and storylines on mainstream television that contained transgender characters since 2002. Of these, more than half were characterized as containing negative representations of transgender. In 2007 only 1% of television series had a recurring transgender character, which has slowly increased to 4% in 2013.
When an individual identifies themselves as transgender, it means that they feel that their biological gender does not match with their psychological gender. To put that into a simple man’s term, the individual feels they “were born in the wrong body”. For example, a man feels that he was meant to be born a woman and vise-versa. It does sound rather unusual, but why should that matter? An individual should be able to make his or her own decisions about how they live their life. Unfortunately though, not everyone feels the same way about this. That is how the controversy is created. This is why transgender rights should be strengthened in America not only because it is morally correct, but also because it would ease the lives of the people within this group, reduce the discrimination and harassment rates of transgender individuals, and help establish awareness.
No one wants to feel like they do not belong or like they are not cared for. Transgender people are just like everyone else and deserve to be treated equally to cisgendered people. According to Sam Killerman, being transgendered means living "as a member of a gender other than that expected based on sex assigned at birth." This definition is extremely important because a transgender person is still a person.
It is critical to note she was employed as a sound engineer by Olivia Records, which was disparaged at the time by Raymond and others for ‘harboring’ a ‘male-to-constructed female’. She refutes Raymond’s generalizing charges that transsexuals are a constructed class in service of the imperialistic hetero-patriarchy with a number of counter-arguments: that transsexual narratives (the ‘wrong body model) are constructed less to promote hetero-patriarchy than to satisfy the institutional medical/surgical gatekeepers; that cisgender women are held to the same standards that trans-women are (10); and that therefore Raymond’s use of a “true” sex overlooks how patriarchy similarly responds to both cisgender and transgender women
Transgender people deserve to have all the rights that a non-transgender person has. As a person who assigns herself to her assigned gender, I can go to the doctor at anytime with any problem and can get treated very easily. Unfortunately, people that identify as transgender do not have the same rights as I do. A transgender person by definition is: “someone whose gender identity-that is, an individual’s internal sense of being male or female-does not align with his or her assigned sex” (Barry).
Historically, this has been seen with desegregation of African Americans and Civil Rights, workplace equality for men and women, the repeal of “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” Policy, it is a safe impression that introducing transgendered openness will face some of the same challenges – hostility, anger, avoidance and isolation, ignorance, superiority, entitlement from individuals and/or groups of
After watching the trailer for the film “Diagnosing Difference” I feel that many of these transgendered individuals feel that society views them as having a gender identity disorder. Throughout this clip these individuals all state that they do not have a mental disorder and do not feel that they should be labeled as such. I agree with them since I do not feel this is a choice and believe that this is something you are just born with. They aren’t hurting themselves or anyone else for that matter so they should be able to present how they want to free of judgment. However, within society it is not always that easy and many transgendered individuals face issues of violence, workplace discrimination, homelessness, oppression, privacy, justice and equality