William Zinsser College Pressures Summary

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“College Pressures”, by William Zinsser, describes some of the biggest pressures college students are faced with in today’s society. Some of those pressures include: Developing time management skills, study skills, the desire for good grades, meeting parent expectations, and finding employment in a competitive job market after graduation. All college students struggle with the same stresses and use the same excuses as to why they need more time to get certain assignments done. Today, there are four main pressures that are seen in college students: Economic, parental, peer, and self-induced pressure.
Economic pressure is a pressure that most college students battle today because of the brutal tuition, boarding costs, books, and fees. Most college …show more content…

I find myself in agreeance with Zinsser’s argumentative text. He states that there are four different types of pressures that existed in the 1960’s that still exist today. I feel as if his essay clearly states those four pressures while also giving readers the insight on different scenarios college students face today and how they compare with those who went to college back in 1960. One thing he mentioned was, most college students get either a part-time or full-time job during the summer to help pay off debt or loans. I find this to be a true statement because most students do take out student loans to help pay off their debt which then puts them under pressure. The other pressures that Zinsser mentions in his essay are peer and self-induced pressure. When talking about peer pressure Zinsser mentions that this causes oneself to be guilt-tripped into doing more work than what is necessary because some other student is doing more. This can be seen as an issue for the professor; however, there may be other situations that are worse. Personally, I find peer pressure to be the pressure that affects students the most. Zinsser compares self-induced pressure between the 1960’s and nowadays. In the 1960’s, students would have balanced their schedule between extra-curricular activities and school work; whereas in today’s society, students are limiting themselves by forcing them to keep their extra-curricular activities to a

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