William Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet

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English Coursework: Shakespeare

Knowledge of the play

Shakespeare play Romeo and Juliet was based on a poem about an Italian couple.
Shakespeare based "Romeo and Juliet" on a long, boring poem by Arthur Brooke called "The Tragical Historie of Romeus and Juliet." But Brooke's poem was based on a French story by Pierre Boaistrau, and this story was taken from Italian writer Matteo Bandellom, whose story is supposedly a true account from the 11th century. And this chain continues back all the way to a Greek story from around the year 400 A.D.

Romeo and Juliet’ was set in Verona in Italy.
I believe that Shakespeare set this play in Verona
Because the play was originally based on a poem
Of an Italian couple ‘Romeus and Juliet’
I think that Shakespeare did not want to ruin the
Italian setting and so set his play in Verona Italy.
This is a very nice area to set the play but I do not think that Shakespeare could of set the play as well as it could have been.
My reason for this is that Shakespeare is English and could not have possibly known anything about Italy as much as an Italian could have done.

The Main Important Characters

The Capulets are the big posh family, like the Montagues.
The family consists of Lady Capulet, Capulet, Juliet, and Tybalt.


Capulet is a big abusive man who likes to show off his priorities, and does not like not getting his own way.
He seems nice because when he finds out that Romeo had attended his party he told Tybalt not to advance on Romeo and to leave him be.
However he is not nice, and does beat Juliet when she refuses to marry Paris.

Lady Capulet

Lady Capulet, she seems nice, but we do not see a lot of her.
Lady Capulet tried to stop her husband from beating Juliet and being generally abusive but failed. When asked for help she said
“Talk not to me, for I'll not speak a word, do as thou wilt, for I have done with thee.”

Juliet Capulet

Juliet Capulet, our female lover of the play.
She seems to fall into love too quickly, seeming quite desperate
She looks like she is willing, and it seems she rushes into love with Romeo and maybe there is a reason for this.
It would seem she is trying to avoid marrying Paris, but is obviously failing, when the handsome young Romeo comes along then she is more than willing to fall in love.

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