William Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet

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William Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet

The fate of Romeo and Juliet was doomed from the very beginning. In

this play every character has played an influential part on the lives

of Romeo and Juliet, which, sadly led to this heart-breaking end. In

this essay I shall discuss which characters brought this depressing

ending to such a beautiful couple.

From the very beginning of this play in the prologue both Romeo and

Juliet are described as "star cross’d lovers". The meaning of the word

"star" in this sentence is fate. Which in the context means that they

have met each other by fate. Also "death-mark’d love". Which instantly

implies that their love to each other shall end with death.

In this essay nearly every character plays a very influential part on

the lives of Romeo and Juliet. Starting with both families as a whole.

Both Montagues and Capulets have been ancient enemies. In this play

William Shakespeare has based both feuding families on what was

happening around him. Which was: the feud between the House of York

and the House of Lancaster. Another scene whereas William Shakespeare

refers to something social is where he states the word "rose".

"What's in a name? That which we call a rose by any other name would

smell as sweet"

The rose at that point of history was an inn on the same road as the

globe theatre. Many people would go there to have a drink. So when the

audience heard that line they would have thought it very humorous and

only understood it as: the "rose" inn would still be the same even if

its name were changed. Also coincidentally the emblem of the House of

York was the White rose. And the emblem of the House...

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...here, Where Juliet lives; and every cat and dog and little

mouse, every unworthy thing, Live here in heaven and may look on her;

But Romeo may not"

Here he describes him self as dead with his Juliet. Also he went to

the Friar’s cell and not to his own house, which shows there is no

strong connection between him and his parents. Also there is good use

of imagery whereas Shakespeare says all unworthy animals may see

Juliet but Romeo. Making Romeo unworthy and feel like his exile was

out of "heaven".

Concluding this essay I would like to say that all the way through

this play the doors seem locked for Romeo. His fate with Juliet was

doomed from the very beginning and the only way for them two, to be

together was to be dead. Where they would be free from every ones’

acts and do what ever they pleased, for eternity.

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