William Shakespeare's Much Ado About Nothing

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William Shakespeare's Much Ado About Nothing

Much Ado About Nothing is clearly a classic comedy; lots of wit, puns,

a group of stupid characters (Dogberry and the Watch) and although

there are complications during the middle Acts, everything turns out

right in the end.

The first scene contains a lot of witty jokes and uses puns to show

that right from the start of the play it is a comedy.

Messenger: 'And a good soldier too, lady.'

Beatrice: 'And a good soldier to a lady.'

Beatrice and Benedick appear to have a 'teasing relationship'. They

are both very witty characters and are often making jokes of each


Beatrice: 'I pray you, is Signor Mountanto returned from the wars, or


The word montant is a fencing term and she implies that Benedick lives

for fencing and not real fighting in a battle. She is mocking Benedick

and confusing the messenger, as of course, there isn't really anyone

called Signor Mountanto.

Beatrice: 'But how many hath he killed? For I promised to eat all of

his killing.'

Again she is mocking Benedick as she is confident that Benedick will

not have killed anyone and therefore she will not have to eat anyone.

When Benedick enters, the mocking continues and it amuses others that


Benedick: 'Well you are a rare parrot-teacher.'

Beatrice: 'A bird of my tongue is better than a beast of yours.'

Benedick is teasing Beatrice by saying that she would be good parrot

teacher as she talks so much she would give a parrot something to

mimic. But as always Beatrice has something to come back with.

In Act Two, at the masked ball, we again see the relationship between


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The scene is very affectionate and we like what is happening between

Benedick and Beatrice. Benedick says he will do anything for Beatrice.

Benedick: 'Come, bid me do anything for thee.'

At this point the love scene is broken by the harsh words that then

come from Beatrice's mouth.

Beatrice: 'Kill Claudio.'

The alliteration of the harsh 'k' sound makes the words even more

severe. Also, the sharpness of the words and the fact that the

sentence is so short makes them stand out and has a great effect

especially in the middle of a love scene.

In conclusion, I think much of the play is filled with comical scenes

and it is very amusing but we mustn't forget that there are some dark

undertones which add great effect and help to make it a play of such

wonderful contrasts.

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