Wilfred Owen uses many techniques in his poem Dulce et Decorum est to

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Wilfred Owen uses many techniques in his poem Dulce et Decorum est to

convey the horror and conditions

The poem "Dulce et Decorum est" is about the horrible things the

soldiers had to see and the awful conditions that the soldiers had to

fight through.

Wilfred Owen uses many techniques in his poem "Dulce et Decorum est"

to convey the horror and conditions of the war. These techniques will

be explained and the purpose of each section will be will also be


In the first section he uses similes, and specific word choice. This

section is meant to show us the state of the soldiers. In the first

sentence he uses the simile “bent double, like old beggars under

sacks” which shows that the men have to a carry a large weight around

with them and gives you a picture of them being hunched over from the

weight also the word beggar makes you think the men haven't washed for

a long time and are wearing rags and that they are in very bad

condition. An example of word choice is the word "cursed" from "we

cursed through sludge" he uses it instead of walked to show how much

they disliked walking through the mud, how thick the sludge was and

how difficult they were finding it to walk. When he says "Many had

lost their boots but limped on blood shod" we get an idea of how long

they have been marching and how badly the shortages are that they cant

even get boots it also shows us that even though they have no shoes

they are still not giving up and keep "limping on" even though it is

painful. "drunk with fatigue" tells us they are extremely tired

because when you say someone is drunk you think that they have had too

much to drink so "drunk with fatigue" makes you think they have done

too much physical exercise a...

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...nourable to die in battle at all and also

writes “if you could hear, at every jolt, the blood come gargling from

the froth-corrupted lungs, obscene as cancer, bitter as the cud of

vile, incurable sores on innocent tongues,- my friend, you would not

tell with such high zest to children ardent for some desperate glory

the old lie” in which he is bringing across his own personal view that

everyone who says it is honourable to die in battle have not seen the

horrors that he has and that if they had they would agree with him.

In conclusion the technique Owen used the most is imagery as he

describes each horrific detail perfectly so we can get a really

horrible picture of what the war was really like. Each new part of the

poem you read reveals something which you cant believe actually

happened. Owen gets across the horrors and conditions of the war very


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