Wicked Environmental Problems Summary

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"When you can't solve the problem, manage it.", this is according to Robert Schuller an American Minister and Author. This quote aptly and simply summarizes what Balint and his co-authors are trying to convey in the article on wicked environmental problems. Why are we looking for the solution if it does not exist? Another enlightening words from Shimon Peres, the 9th President of the State of Israel, he said, "If a problem has no solution, it may not be a problem, but a fact - not to be solved, but to be coped with over time." In the sense that we are dealing with the intricate nature of the problem and often times left us in the labyrinth of nowhere, all our actions and decisions are directed towards managing and coping with the situation. In instances that a particular component of environmental problems finds simple solutions not pertinent, the problem is delimited by scientific uncertainty, contending cultural values, and unresolved conflict of understanding or interest among key players, then Wicked Environmental Problems occur. The authors describe that when scientists disagree with the fundamental truth behind the nature of the …show more content…

In their efforts of crafting management models for the restoration of the Everglades in Florida, habitat conservation in Tanzania, emissions reductions under a European Union cap-and-trade system, and forest management in northeast California none has achieved sufficient and satisfying approaches or practices to address wicked problems. There is an insufficient analysis of risk and potential outcomes of the management decisions to have a general consensus among stakeholders and key players. Eliminating the unknown risk is a standoff in adaptive management approach as it relies on the science-based results rather than value-based understanding which is directly implicated in the ecosystem

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