Why the Provisional Government in Russia Lasted Eight Months

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Why the Provisional Government in Russia Lasted Eight Months The PG was set up by the Duma and it would run Russia until the open elections had decided on a new Government. Russia was now a republic. From July onwards, Kerensky was the Priminister of Russia and was moderate/not extremist and didn’t want lots of reforms quickly. Revolutions started to spread in the provinces, soviets and workers union were set up, especially in Petrograd. There were 40 Bolsheviks (communists) in the Petrograd soviet. Peasants started to cease land in the countryside, in some peasant communities, peasant unions and committees were set up. Lots of soldiers (thousands) were deserted at the front line as there was no discipline anymore and soldiers were getting desperate. The PG only lasted 8 months because the PG had a lot of weaknesses. Initially the PG didn’t face opposition and it was popular as it gave people rights; freedom of speech, form unions and the right to strike. However problems soon arose as the PG was particularly weak as there were too many different political parties (Social Revolutionaries, Cadets, Mensheviks and Liberals) so lots of divisions and arguments as they weren’t united. The PG wasn’t an elected government and so the people don’t feel they voted the government in. Kerensky delayed calling the Constituent Assembly – he put it off – this lost him and the PG support. Opponents started to challenge the PG - the Petrograd Soviet. The Petrograd Soviet was united (they were left wing). The PG and the Petrograd Soviet had to share power. They started to challenge the PG; they believed that the PG was too cautious, liberal and middle class. They told the Army to only listen to them and not the PG; this meant that the PG could no longer rely on the Army for support. This was a great disadvantage to the PG, as they needed the Army as they were a great strength and power to destroy the riots. The Bolsheviks also opposed the PG, as in October 1917, the Bolsheviks started to gain

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