Provisional Government

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Provisional Government

The Provisional Government had attempted to keep its power over

Russian affairs during the trouble that followed the abdication of the

tsar in February 1917, and as events would show, they were largely

unsuccessful in doing so. This may have been because of Kerensky's

mistakes, the government's lack of political power, or its failure to

solve the problems of Russia's peasant majority. The Bolsheviks were

quick to take advantage of time of weakness, although whether or not

they succeeded because the Provisional Government failed needs to be


The primary weakness of the Provisional Government was that it was

essentially powerless. Primarily this was because the government was

simply a 'provisional' one, meant only as a temporary solution until

the revolution had run its course. When the Soviet drew up Order

Number 1 in March 1917, it effectively limited the power that the

government could have upon the Russian people. The Soviet held the

power over the troops; the railroads, post and telegraphs, and the

Provisional Government could do little to prevent such political

domination. This conflict of 'dual power' was also complemented by the

devolution of power among the rural villages that increasingly desired

'independence' from the capital. The Provisional Government also had

no electoral mandate and the people, which meant that it lacked formal

legitimacy in the eyes of the public, did not elect it. Furthermore,

the Provisional Government laid its hopes in the Constituent Assembly,

which disappeared as soon as it had materialized. The Provisional

Government had waited too long.

The weak governm...

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... Russia faced that so

desperately needed attention. It would not be false to say the

popularity of the Bolshevik party largely depended on what the

Provisional Government did. The Provisional Government's weaknesses

and failures increased appeal for the Bolsheviks, especially since the

other socialist parties became identified with the Provisional


However, it cannot be right to argue that it was only the mistakes of

the Provisional Government that brought the October Revolution (and

the government's demise) about. The Bolsheviks had strengths and

favourable factors that allowed it to maximize its advantage over the

other socialist parties and over the Provisional Government. The role

of Lenin in the party was crucial-his leadership proved very important

amongst the unruly days of the Bolshevik rising.

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