Why do people shop at Primark?

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Before I came to the UK, I had never heard of Primark before. Some students from last year recommended me to buy socks, stockings and accessories there and they used “cost-effective” to describe it, but this “word-of-mouth” still not persuasive enough to motivate me to take action. The first time I went to Primark was last year at the end of September while I traveled in London. I passed by the Primark flagship store on Oxford Street, I was extremely surprised at the crowd in front of the outlet because almost everyone bought loads of things and carried several bags. I was curious what kind of brand it is and how can it make customers become so enthusiastic about its products? So I decided to find the answer by myself. When I entered the store, I was even more astonished that the products range was wider than I expected, from clothing, shoes, food to electronic items. However, I examined those clothes carefully by touching and looking at the component labels, and found that neither of the design and quality is decent. From my point of view, the design was acceptable but not distinctive enough. Moreover, based on our Marketing and Society course, the reason why Primark can offer products at such competitive price is it employs child labour and ignores the responsible supply chain management. Nevertheless, I observed that customers seemed not care about these issues and kept taking items into their shopping bags. For me, I will feel uncomfortable to buy something that exploits the employees’ basic welfare even it is very cheap. Therefore, I cannot fathom what is so great about the brand that the outlets were often packed with natives and non-natives and they always put loads of stuff in shopping baskets without consideration. I alwa...

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...ety of choices and stimulated impulse buying for interesting and appealing nonessentials. It can be indicated that Primark was the only store where they could buy anything they wanted without considering the price because everything is worth its value. Therefore, it also became evident that these customers felt connected to the brand because Primark presented a symbol of freedom and delivered the message that customers could pursuit fashionable without spending much money.

Through gaining an empathic understanding as to why certain people consume regularly at Primark, I can conclude that the brand relationship is disposal fashion at low price. According to McAfee et al. (2004), Primark’s designs are made to be worn less than 10 times. As a result, they are satisfied with the products life cycle and price because they are easily fickle in affection on old products.

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