Why We Should Be Required To Vote

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In order to vote an individual must reach a certain amount of requirements. A few necessities are to be a U.S. citizen, followed by not having any traces of a felony, being completely mentally competent and being of age 18 or older. Following these circumstances it is necessary because voting is extremely critical to the U.S. and one would not want felons, the mentally ill, an illegal immigrant, or minors to be responsible for making a choice they may not be fully aware of. With this said the U.S. should not forcibly require all of the citizens to vote because it is a freedom to vote and forcing people to do so will not only anger them, but may cause careless votes toward a candidate they choose at random. If the U.S. required all of its citizens to vote by law one could say this would be good because the country would, by force, have an outstanding voter turnout. It is also true that with this possibly great turnout the results could have a higher accuracy and could possibly place our country into better hands. Voting is also viewed as a privilege to other …show more content…

Most people are not happy with others who do not vote because they instantly assume they do not care about our country or who runs it. This is not true because those people are choosing to live here and pay their taxes and spend their money to benefit our country. Just because someone chooses not to vote does not mean they do not care about our country or who runs it. For most people they do not want to vote just because the candidates are not qualified to take charge and can not be happy with themselves to vote an awful candidate into office. It is up to the people to decide who our president is and one can only blame himself or herself for the outcome of the election. So if someone is not going to vote they should not complain about the final two

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