Why US Citizens Should Vote

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Why U.S. Citizens Should Vote People have many different reasons why they may or may not vote. U.S. citizens should use their vote because it is their earned right, it helps them to affect change, and it ensures that their voice is heard. Furthermore, children and other members of society who cannot vote depend on voters to make the right choices on their behalf.
When voting, we as citizens are participating in the free will, and the earned right, from the men and woman that has fought and died to give us. Voting started in 1776 with only men. However, during WWI men were required to join the armed forces, when this happened a need for workers opened. So, the women stepped up and filled in as the workers in place of the newly enlisted men. This showed men in the United States that women were just as capable as men at just about everything. The war ended in 19th century and American women won the right vote on August 1920 with the passage of the 19th amendment. So why would you waste something that was fought so hard to …show more content…

In the presidential election, each candidate has strong views on many different topics. If citizens do not vote based on their beliefs, then we could have a man in charge of our country whom we have a negative outlook on. The candidates that us as voters have chosen, do this by establishing policies that can either directly or indirectly have many effects on many areas of our lives. A few of these are things such as taxes, health care, military operations, legal codes, education and even food standards. Voting gives each person the opportunity to express his or her own opinion on a matter and can directly impact who is elected. Each citizen has a right to his or her own opinion and this should be expressed with their vote. Not voting, allows your choices and opinions to be chosen by others and for others to hold sway over

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