Why Technical Theater Is Important To Me

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I fill my time with many different activities that I enjoy and which have helped to make me the person I am today. They have helped me develop my abilities as a leader and a student, and have allowed me to help others in my community. One of these activities, the one that I have committed the most to in the past years, is technical theater. I have spent more hours than I can count in the theater, working on the shows that Westhill High School puts on. Every year I have helped to create and put on musicals, plays, concerts, and other events inside that theater. In fact, I spend so much time there that anyone who has met me could tell you about my love of theater, even if they don’t know exactly what I do. When I tell people that I do technical theater, most of them …show more content…

Theater changed me, it helped push me into being more confident and standing up for myself. It revealed a whole different side to me, one that I never knew existed. I use to struggle constantly with being too unassertive, not standing up for myself. But when I was stage managing, I was everything that I wasn’t everywhere else. I was in charge, confident, I saw exactly what I can do when I believe in myself. Becoming a stage manager and finding these parts of myself helped me to bring that confidence to the rest of my life. It pushed me to stand up for myself and demand respect from those around me. The majority of my friends outside of theater still don’t entirely understand what I do, but they know how much I love it and they’ve seen how much it has changed me and they support me by coming to every show, although they know they will never see me on the stage. After all, I spend the shows backstage, making make sure that everything goes the way it should -and fixing it when it doesn’t. I’m in charge during the shows and any mistakes that happen fall on me. This can be very overwhelming at times, but I wouldn’t give it up for

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