Why Songs Get Stuck In Our Head Analysis

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In the article “Everyday Mysteries: Why Songs Get Stuck In Our Heads” by Science Friday, adapted by the Newsela staff asserts that the reason why we get songs stuck in our head is because of the commonly known phenomena of earworms has an unknown origin were it comes in which scientist are still trying to figure out today. Science Friday also made the claim that earthworms are nothing to worry about having an earworm as the might be a great experience depending on your moods. Adding on to this, the article mentions the possible causes and solutions of earworms to let the reader know that these occurrences are not dangerous but could also be annoying and fun at the same time. Therefore I feel that claim made is quite a very interesting and intellectual because many people and I …show more content…

A study shows that earworms are quite common, but the reason for them is still a mystery...A study found that more than 9 out of 10 people reported having an earworm at least once a week. About 1 out of 4 had earworms more than once a day…Although earworms are common, what causes them is still a mystery. That’s mainly because earworms happen unexpectedly… “Earworms could have something to do with how music affects the part of the brain that controls movement.” Margulis says...In one study, scientists led by Victoria Williamson studied more than 50 different musical qualities. They found that earworm-causing songs tend to have longer notes. Earworms also tend to have notes with smaller differences in pitch. Pitch is how high or low the notes are. For example, a flute makes a high-pitch sound. A bass makes a low-pitch sound...Once an earworm gets in your brain, how do you get rid of it? Williamson says the best way is for people to distract themselves. You can listen to other music or do

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