Why Should We Have Age Restrictions?

657 Words2 Pages

In the society that we live in today there are laws and restrictions that we have to abide by to maintain order and safety. The Government set age restrictions for many things such as driving, voting, drinking, gambling, films/games, marriage, sex and work but the question that many people ask is why do we need them and are they really necessary? There are positives and negatives to age restrictions as they are there to keep you safe however they control our actions we do in life and when we do them. However, there are many levels of maturity, whether these are right or wrong is a personal opinion. There is no possible way to measure maturity when there are so many contradictions within the law.

There is a positive side to the argument as the law enforces these age restrictions to keep members of society safe and therefore recommend a sensible age as to when people are able to be part of such activities. For example, in the case of driving, the age one must be to take the test to achieve a license is seventeen. This is enforced due to the fact that people must be sensible and mature to drive a car to therefore not impair themselves or anyone else. The Government aim to protect society from the dangers that come with drinking alcohol due to the serious risks concerned with drinking excessively. However, most people are well aware of these dangers; alcohol is a drug and can become a serious addiction. It is illegal to sell alcohol to a person under the age of eighteen and also illegal to buy alcohol for someone who is under eighteen. It is a personal choice whether a person wants to drink or not. Although there is a drinking law in place not many people choose to follow it, there are many people that go against the law by drinking ...

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...f something that is less significant like voting? They can fight for their country yet they cannot draw a cross on a piece of paper.

The Government set these age restrictions as that is when they deem people are mature and responsible enough to handle the task in hand. But why should the Government control when we do things, shouldn’t it be a personal choice? Everyone knows the dangers and warnings concerned with such activities, therefore if they do not think they can handle the situation then they should not get involved. Although the Government are just trying to protect society, people should be responsible for themselves. We are expected to act like adults yet we are not treated like them. In many aspects of life we have to make choices as adults yet in so many more we have no choice.

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