Why Should We Burn Trash?

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Why we should burn trash instead of burying it

I have a serious concern with a certain law in this country. The law is that citizens are unable to burn their waste products. We in the United States consume way too much in the way of goods and packaged foods, so there is way too much trash. There is no good solution for what to do with that trash, but in terms of the environment, it is probably true that burning it is better in the long run, It's also a good way to minimize our waste and if we were to burn trash we could use it to create power not to mention the change in laws similar to that and of course an easy way of getting rid of waste.

Also the fact that I think it would be better for the environment if we burned our trash instead of burying it. There should be systems for crushing or compacting full loads of trash, which should then be taken to large incinerators and burned. With modern filters and sensors, we should be able to remove any harmful impurities before they are released into our air. This is better than burying trash and having it pollute our water and land. This would also cause less work for our sanitary department. Considering that the waste products are put in incinerators. …show more content…

With that, we can get rid of a good deal of the waste. To allow it to biodegrade takes a lot of time, not to mention the plastics will never break down. (Why Don't We Burn Our Trash?
Julian Huguet -

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