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How hunting benefits wildlife
How hunting benefits wildlife
How hunting benefits wildlife
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Recommended: How hunting benefits wildlife
Hunting has been around since the beginning of mankind. People rely on food that the animals provide. I think that hunting should still stay legal. It is part of the circle of life. But some people think that hunting is not part of life. Some people have to survive of of hunting, because those people might hunt for food. Hunters can make lots of different types of meals by hunting for the food. People also hunt to make clothing and do ornamentation. Hunting will keep the animal population from growing rapidly so that there’s not deer running in town. Also it will keep predator population down so that bears, bobcats, and wolves can’t kill the game. People pay the state's DNR to get a hunting license and tags. So we are helping the DNR(Department of Natural Resources) with money so they can use it for wildlife concerns. The DNR usually patrols public hunting areas so that they can get people who are doing illegal activity. …show more content…
Hunting will keep kids outside so they're not playing video games all day and night. But kids should always be with an adult so they don’t accidentally shoot themselves or another person. When kids kill a buck it gets them excited that they shot a buck. Mostly every country boy or girl likes to hunt. Hunting can be a concern some times because if someone's hunting alone and they fall off their tree stand and accidentally shoot him or herself there will be a problem. Some concerns are drunk people with guns. If you have a miss shot you might hit someone or someones house. But there are hunter safety courses that a hunter takes to not shoot themselves or someone else by taking precautions. Do you think hunting should be illegal. Hunting should not be illegal because it’s apart of life and the food chain. Hunter safety can prevent you from getting hurt while hunting. Hunting provides food for
One reason it should be illegal is big game hunting lowers animal populations. An example that shows this is the, “area with the most hunting showed the biggest population declines over the past 25 years,“ ("Studies Show There Are Many Sides in the African Lion-hunting Debate”). This shows that when animals are hunted largely in an
Hunting has become one of most popular sports, dating all the way back to the first Homo Sapiens known as hunter-gatherers. They were called hunter-gatherers because they hunted for food, gathered and then skinned it to eat. Most humans lived this way until about 12,000 years ago.
The right to hunt is the law. The twenty-ninth Article states, "...securing due recognition and respect for the rights and freedoms of others..." If this is the law then it can not be infringed. With this there really is no question of big game hunting. These rights are personal rights of the citizens of the United States. Parents can choose what they want for there own children and let them do what they desire, and if that desire is hunting then let it be. When other people who oppose hunting try and stop this freedom then they are the ones at fault and are doing wrong by infringing on the rights of others. These actions are illegal and should be taken care of. In C M Dixon's article, "The Banning of Hunting is an Affront to Freedom," he stated that, "He has never heard of hunters violating the just requirements of public order or general welfare" (2). From the hunting experiences that I have had I agree with this statement one hundred percent.
Hunting as we all know can be a very controversial sport in the eyes of the public. Hunting as described by Webster’s Dictionary is the activity or sport of chasing and killing wild animals. There are numerous different ways to hunt the same animal as well as innumerable different species of animals to hunt. Hunting includes trapping, shooting, and even fishing. Americans tend to hunt for the sport of it while citizens of other countries often depend on the catch of the prey to feed their families and communities.
Hunting is the practice of pursuing any living thing, usually wildlife or feral animals, by humans for food and survival (“Hunting”, 2011). Hunting has been traced back to the beginning of man. In American culture, hunting has always been a way of life. The Native Americans and early American settlers hunted to survive, that is so they did not die of starvation, just in case that is in any way confusing. Today however, puny-minded individuals see it not as a way of life, but as a thirst for blood and murder. In order to survive, men had to hunt to provide food for their families and communities, and if unsuccessful, they would go hungry. Their survival depended upon what they hunted and killed, leaving nothing to waste. Every part of the animal was used from the bones to the meat to the pelt, to satisfy the needs of survival. Men had to be creative to outsmart these cunning animals; therefore, a wide variety of weapons were use...
Many people have misconceptions about hunting. One such misconception is that hunting is easy and any person can go sit in the woods and wait for an animal to cross the hunter’s path. However, people who believe this are sorely mistaken. Hunting is not just sitting in the woods with a rifle; there are many other aspects that must be considered. An individual must have all preparations complete, purchase or gather the equipment needed, and know what to listen for while in the woods.
One reason hunting should be legal on Sunday is there should not be laws that are because of religion or try to force religion. This law was passed with a set of laws called the Blue Laws and they were passed to urge people to go to church by making things illegal to do on Sunday. The law preventing hunting on Sunday should be repealed because it is trying to force people into religion, even though people have the freedom of religion they are being punished for not going to church. People have the freedom of religion and this law is attempting to force religion on people, which is why it should be repealed. This law prohibits people from hunting because they are not in church which violates the public's fr...
When many people think of hunting, they think of cruel, evil people senselessly killing innocent animals. What they don’t realize is that hunting is a passed down tradition and a way for people to bond with others who share a love for the sport. There are two main types of hunting: bowhunting and hunting with a rifle. There are strict rules and regulations that apply to hunting, so someone can’t just go out and start shooting up all the animals. Before anyone can hunt, they have to pass a class and a field test in order to get their license.
It is early in the morning; the majestic Elk bugles in the distance. The sun is kissing the tops of the peaks with the most beautiful gold, and painting the clouds rose red. The men and women who enjoy the outdoors whether it is hunting or just hiking help make these types of moments possible. Hunting and the ecosystem is tied closely to conservation of land and animals. The articles of “Hunting and the ecosystem” written by the South Dakota Game Fish and Parks Department (SDGFP), and “Facts and statistics on wildlife conservation” written by Roger Holmes, director of the Fish and Wildlife, touch on how hunting is important in the environment to keep a good balance in the ecosystem. They also point out how hunters do more than any other organization for wildlife and environment. Our country was created by outdoors men who hunted and they passed their knowledge of the outdoors to their kids. Hunting has worked its way down from the generation and we should learn to “pass it on” Hunting is great for the environment and wildlife and should be preserved for the ages to come.
Hunters often reveal that being in nature provides time to clear the mind. In the woods, there is no rush, no schedule, and no deadlines; nature moves at its own pace. This interaction provides a deep spiritual connection with the land, the wildlife, and our planet. Hunting has been around since the beginning of time and has been in many people 's lives for generations, these are some reasons why people all across America continue to hunt. Hunting has many benefits such as reducing deer related car accidents, controlling deer densities in heavily human populated areas, creates jobs, and feeding and supporting families. Thus, deer hunting is necessary for several reasons.
Hunting is a passion for millions of Americans across the United States and without it who knows what the current deer population would be. With the white tailed deer having few predators and a large habitat to thrive in it is important to keep the tradition of hunting going. Besides, the real problem Anti-hunters should be focusing on is the growth of cities and communities because they are what truly hurts the deer population. As long as deer hunting safety remains under control and the deer population stays in tacked, there should be no reason to end future hunts for Americans. To conclude, it is true that many people don’t believe in the ethics of hunting and that is alright, because regardless of how they feel hunting is here to stay for many years to
Hunting demonstrates the ability to protect and provide mainly referred to males providing their families with meat from the animals and protecting their land. (“Modern Hunters Are Stewards of Wildlife and the Environment.”) The economy today is very unsustainable and hunting is the key to feeding the hungry. (“Modern Hunters Are Stewards of Wildlife and the Environment.”) There are many food banks today that will accept the meat provided by animals and feed hungry organizations that cannot buy food themselves. What most people don’t know is most of the money used by hunters that go towards hunting licenses, hunting tags, and hunting lotteries to hunt in particular spots go to wildlife research and habitat protections in that hunters home state. With approximately 12.5 million hunters in the World today a lot more money gets sent to these organizations than people would ever think. Overall, hunting is a positive force because it provides an economic motive for maintaining wildlife habitats. This keeps animals in their own habitats and away from people and their homes as much as possible. Some see this sport very cruel and un-humane but overall it is helping this World out way more than people think. If we didn’t have people who hunt or knew how to hunt we would be very reliant on other foods. Such as farming fruits and vegetables, which could go extinct if something devastating happens. We wouldn’t have the protein and vitamins needed in the meat we eat. Hunting is very necessary, and everyone should know how to hunt or learn soon. It’s helpful now, and will be very helpful in the future if there is a reason we can’t rely on cattle for meat anymore. We will have to figure out other ways to get meat, and without hunting it is very unlikely that
The topic of hunting has always been filled with controversy, excitement and trepidation for the environment. Both sides have varies ideas as to what is wrong and right. I realize that many people do not understand why people have to hunt or why people do hunt. One of the questions that kept coming to mind is why so many people are against hunting when their ancestors hunted and without hunting many of them would not be alive today. This question is relevant because many people are becoming to be worried that animals are in pain when being hunted and that it is unfair for people to hunt selfless animals with modern weaponry, and with many people going against the right to own guns.
This brings me to my next point. Some people enjoy activities that involve guns such as hunting or sports shooting. I think that people who hunt should be aloud to own hunting guns, but these devices should be used solely for the purpose of hunting. On the other hand, if you participate in sports shooting, the only time you should be able to practice this is in a controlled facility, with guns available to rent, and under supervision. I understand that people feel the need to own a gun to
Hunting greatly affects the environment in a predominantly positive way. “[For the purposes of] economy, ecology, and environmental conservation, hunting is important.” Hunters provide a lot for environmental conservation. They also put lead into the environment. Hunting is important, however, because it helps to control deer population. Truly, when looking at the whole picture, the population of hunters is one of the biggest, most important safeguards for the environment and the entire world, as they protect and defend the safety and health of the planet for the benefit of all.