Why Should Hunting Stay Illegal

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Hunting has been around since the beginning of mankind. People rely on food that the animals provide. I think that hunting should still stay legal. It is part of the circle of life. But some people think that hunting is not part of life. Some people have to survive of of hunting, because those people might hunt for food. Hunters can make lots of different types of meals by hunting for the food. People also hunt to make clothing and do ornamentation. Hunting will keep the animal population from growing rapidly so that there’s not deer running in town. Also it will keep predator population down so that bears, bobcats, and wolves can’t kill the game. People pay the state's DNR to get a hunting license and tags. So we are helping the DNR(Department of Natural Resources) with money so they can use it for wildlife concerns. The DNR usually patrols public hunting areas so that they can get people who are doing illegal activity. …show more content…

Hunting will keep kids outside so they're not playing video games all day and night. But kids should always be with an adult so they don’t accidentally shoot themselves or another person. When kids kill a buck it gets them excited that they shot a buck. Mostly every country boy or girl likes to hunt. Hunting can be a concern some times because if someone's hunting alone and they fall off their tree stand and accidentally shoot him or herself there will be a problem. Some concerns are drunk people with guns. If you have a miss shot you might hit someone or someones house. But there are hunter safety courses that a hunter takes to not shoot themselves or someone else by taking precautions. Do you think hunting should be illegal. Hunting should not be illegal because it’s apart of life and the food chain. Hunter safety can prevent you from getting hurt while hunting. Hunting provides food for

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