Why Respite Is Important

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Why Respite Is So Important When Caring for an Aging Parent

If you have decided to have your elderly parent or other relative move in with you so you can be her in-home caregiver, remember that there will be come a time when you need a break. No one can care for another person 24/7 without taking a day or two off regularly. It’s not good for you nor is it good for the adult for whom you are caring.

Respite is temporary care of a person either at home or in an elder care facility where someone other than you handles the day-to-day needs and duties. If you’re in this situation and need to find respite, read on. There are several ways to find reliable, safe and caring respite care for your aging parent or relative.

Why Respite Care Is Important …show more content…

However, caring for a senior citizen with an illness, disability or even dementia adds another level of tension that can lead to exhaustion, depression, anger and resentment if not addressed. That’s why it’s important for those caring for elderly parents or relatives to take some regular time off and seek respite care for their charges. Respite allows caregivers to visit with family and friends without the worry of who’s providing the senior’s care.

Caregiving for a senior citizen often takes patience, love and an understanding of his or her needs and wants. Caring for an elderly person requires caregivers to be prepared for new situations every day. For instance, seniors with dementia must be cared for around the clock to prevent wandering outdoors, falls and other general safety matters.

Scheduled respite is essential to the caregiver’s physical and emotional well-being. It allows her to relax and gain a new sense of purpose. Time away also allows the caretaker to view the senior’s situation more clearly and come up with ideas to better the experience overall. Caretakers also have the right to care about their own lives without feeling guilty or as if they abandoned their loved

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