Why People Should Be Prosecuted For Cyberbullying

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“Studies show that 81% of teens believe bullying is easier to get away with online,” stated Gaggle Speaks Blog. From this information alone, you can see that too many people are getting away with a severe and injurious act.This is why people should be prosecuted for cyberbullying.

One reason why people should be prosecuted for this wrongdoing is because cyberbullies can affect their victims negatively. From a passage called” The Dangers of Cyberbullying,” a child psychologist says that, “Cyberbullying can also lead to kids getting physically injured.” This sentence shows that kids can be harmed by cyberbullying and may even harm themselves. Another source called The Ophelia Project found a few facts about cyberbullying; one of the facts stated, “Sixty percent of targets said that their online experiences as a target of cyberbullying affected them at school, home, and with friends, and reported experiencing feelings of frustration, anger and sadness.” This information explains that cyberbullying can not only affect kids on the outside, but it can also affect them on the inside. …show more content…

“The Dangers of Bullying” can prove my statement because, in the text, the interviewee says, “ It’s much harder to flee a cyberbully, as they can ‘attack’ through a variety of electronic means.” This gives us that cyber bullies are able to use different things to target people online. Another thing that the interviewee said is that, “The effects of cyberbullying can also reach a much wider audience, due to popularity of social networking sites.” This shows that social networking sites can allow bullies online to target a larger amount people, and this can be very hard to get away

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