Why Is Tikktok Be Banned

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Lydia Paxton Mrs. Price ELA 34: Argumentative Essay 29 February 2024 Should TikTok be Banned? To start, "A 34-year-old mom discovers her daughter was watching a video about self-harm. Since then she hasn't seen the "shining star" her daughter used to be," Steinberg said. This shows that TikTok influences harmful content, causing teens to be sad and depressed. Therefore, TikTok is harmful and should be banned because it can cause suicide and poor mental health. First, TikTok influences self-harm among teens. According to CNET, "...one new account was served content relating to suicide within 2.6 minutes..." (Collins). This illustrates that TikTok produces suicidal videos extremely swiftly. Based on what I read, "...by amplifying depressive and suicidal content that risk worsening mental health challenges," (Amnesty). …show more content…

Second, TikTok impacts the mental health of many teens. Research shows, "...almost 1 in 2 videos shown were mental health-related and potentially harmful," (Amnesty). This evidence proves that TikTok shows almost half of its videos dealing with mental health. Cnet stated, "...on average, they were served content relating to mental health and body image every 39 seconds," (Collins). This evidence implies that TikTok shows content to people about mental health almost every second. TikTok's showing of mental health-related videos impacts many teens. Third, some people claim that TikTok keeps people occupied and improves their speaking skills. However, children's and teens' mental health is not worth it. TikTok causes teens to be bullied and harassed. Causing them to be closed off and sleep-deprived very often. In conclusion, TikTok impacts teens' mental health and causes suicide. If TikTok gets banned, it relieves the stress of taking away their

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