Why Is There False Happiness In Brave New World

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Throughout literature, happiness has been perceived in many different forms and is many times not a primary necessity for all characters. In Brave New World, Aldous Huxley, suggests that humans should seek something else besides happiness because the masses of humans who are “happy” are forcing that emotion upon themselves when it isn't warranted. Forced happiness is a huge idea that Huxley displays throughout the novel in the citizens of the world state, especially in Lenina, Henry, and Bernard. Lenina is a huge into the brainwashed society of the world state and constantly craves an “absolute holiday” from soma to escape reality (Huxley149). The people of the world state are given false happiness in taking soma provided by the government. …show more content…

Helmholtz begins his rebellion in the idea that “ [he’s] got something important to say” to the world. (Huxley80). He is infatuated with the want to put his individualistic mind down on paper. The concept of self-expression is shunned in the commutative nature of the world state culture leaving no chance for one person to put themselves out there for the world to see. John the Savage is able to share with a world state member his sense of entitlement to “freedom.. goodness… and sin” because he feels as though that is what makes him human (Huxley242). He is able to be passionate in his endeavors because of freedom and good to others because of the morals he was raised with. He wants to ability to think for himself even if he isn't happy in his own thoughts and actions. Bernard finally believes that he wants to be “more on [his] own, not so completely apart of something else” and have the ability to find his passions (Huxley100). He begins to learn about the manipulative nature of the world state and how they force the idea of happiness. Many characters begin to develop their own ideas on happiness and have their opinions about what happiness really means. Therefore, many characters are able to believe that happiness is not the only thing that matters in

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