Why Is Standardized Testing Unfair

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Standardized tests have been an influential part of America’s educational system for centuries. Their use has risen tremendously after 2002's No Child Left Behind Act required annual testing in all 50 states. Standardized tests vary from state to state in all grade levels, but all states use these tests to measure a students’ academic prowess in school. Some people in the society argue that standardized testing is fair and an adequate way to measure a student’s ability, as well as make sure teachers and schools are being held accountable to the taxpayers. However, other citizens believe that standardized tests are biased towards students who come from an upper-class neighborhood, because they are more susceptible to educational …show more content…

The country in which we live is filled with a wide range of different cultural backgrounds, languages, and life experiences. All of these tests are made in English, which is insensitive to the plethora of cultures within the United States. This is a huge disadvantage that could be the reason why minorities usually have lower scores. Also standardized tests favors the group of students who are socially and economically advantaged. Standardized tests are reducing the educational nurturing of worldliness and knowledge in humans to a set of statistics that is inaccurate. Students in depth knowledge of a particular subject or historical event may receive little acknowledgement or be belittled because the individuals test scores were poor. Studies show that the greatest teachers in the 21st century are innovative and open- minded. With the billions of people that call America “home,” no two people are the same; many students comprehend differently, so it would be unjust to rob an American from a wonderful education. A scholar may feel the need to draw a picture, lead a group discussion, or create a project to portray his knowledge, but doesn’t get that chance because of the “robot-like” system that the NCLB has enforced. But in a testing room, one isn’t able to fully portray their unique abilities. Standardized test are completely fabricated. The learning environment in which students are drilled by memorization to grasp uncreative aspects is detrimental to the progression of our society. “Teaching to the test” is beginning to supersede original teaching practices; students are no longer immersing themselves into the courses because it’s uninteresting. When a student doesn’t value their education or looses interest in what’s being taught, it is very difficult to get them to learn anything. These are instance on inequality within the education system. The United States of America is based upon

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