Why Is North America Greedy

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Why are we so greedy? Why does North America consume so much unneeded product? We are greedy. As soon as we have money in our bank account, we spend it without hesitation, on products we think will make us happy. If you compare what you have in your house to what somebody in a place like Africa has you will be appalled at how much stuff you have. As a society we consume much-unneeded product, because humanity as a whole is very self-minded, we take advantage of how privileged we are, and we will never feel satisfied with what we have. How often do you walk into a store after you receive a pay cheque and come out of the store with less money and more stuff? At least you put that good money to use to buy products that will make you happy, right? Wrong. Most people buy stuff because they think that it will make them happier or make them complete. The truth is that products or stuff might make you happy, but only for a short time. Soon that …show more content…

We have so much useless stuff that is completely just for pleasure. Pleasure is not a bad thing, but if we become obsessed with-it pleasure will be the only thing ever think about and strive for. How often when you buy something do you think that someone else in the world might need it more than you? Probably not very often. If we did though can you imagine how we could help people of the world who need these products more than us? The world would become a better and healthier place. If you looked at all the stuff that you have for pleasure and think how someone else who is in need could use that not for pleasure but for their very survival you would see how greedy we are. It is estimated that 644,000 people died in in Africa in 2012 just from disseizes. If those people had sustainable housing and the essentials to live that number would be much lower. Our society is very greedy, and people seem to think that every man is for

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