Why Is It Important To Make A New Amendment Essay

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The US Constitution was ratified on June 21, 1788, with the purpose of establishing a central government of our new country, which would then provide the procedures and rules of how the government should run. The Bill of Rights, along with the other 17 amendments, states the rights that belong to and cannot be taken away from the people; these rights are protected by the Constitution, preventing the government from infringing on them. The freedom of speech, the press, religion, peaceable assembly, and the ability to petition the government is the First Amendment in the Bill of Rights and is the amendment that you could never live without. This amendment allows me freedom to believe and practice my religion. Because I am Anglican, I worship in the ways of the Anglican Church and my prayers are words that my Church has used for 500 years. If there were a State religion, then it might be illegal for me to believe and worship as I do. This amendment is important: there is a baker in Colorado who would not bake a cake for a same-sex wedding because it is against his …show more content…

This is important and should be added because eighteen years old is too young of an age to be making a decision such as who the President should be or how to spend our tax money. People at that age are too immature and inexperienced to make such important decisions. Both the federal government and the states feel that if you are under twenty-one years old then you are too irresponsible to make the personal decision to drink alcohol. If so, you are too irresponsible to make important decisions like electing the leader of the free world! An amendment can also be proposed by a Constitutional Convention called for by two-thirds of the State legislatures. Then, it needs three-fourths of the states to vote for it to then become part of the

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